Da: you’ve worked for big-budgeted blockbuste­rs as well as independen­tly produced works. what is the most important distinctio­n between the two? KG:


there are a lot of difference­s in a lot of different areas. Studio films are usually made for much more money than independen­t films, and they also have a bigger production window. there are a lot of stories that are made independen­tly that wouldn’t be made at the studio level. there’s such great and high quality material in both avenues and platforms.

indie films are a great place for filmmakers and actors to hone their craft and take chances and experiment and show what they can do. For me personally, i like being able to do both. they both allow me to get to do what i love, and that makes me one of the luckiest people on the planet. at the end of the day it comes down to the project, and if it’s a story you want to tell, or if you think will have fun doing it, whether it’s made for uS$100 or uS$100,000,000.

My sister was a dancer and went to a performanc­e arts camp and caught an acting bug while she was there. a woman at the camp gave her the name of a talent rep in Philly to check out if she was interested in giving acting a shot. We went to the place and they asked me if i wanted to audition and i said sure. i read a Smuckers jam commercial and the people there asked if i would like to be sent out on auditions. Me and my mom had no clue what that meant so we said “yes.” i got my first real audition shortly after in Nyc. i read my audition, which went all right, but i had no idea what i was doing. they liked me, though, and asked me to stay. a woman came out and asked me if i had an agent. Me and my mom didn’t really know what that meant either, so she explained that the office we were in was an agency and that she was a talent agent and they would like to represent me. Me and my mom still didn’t really know what that meant but we figured it must be good. So, a lot of dumb luck got me into the business. as i got older, though, i realized that i really loved what i was doing. i loved watching movies my friends weren’t watching. i loved auditionin­g, and i worked a little bit when i was young, and i loved being on set. So, it sounds sort of ridiculous, but acting pretty much found me, and i fell in love with it.

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