DA MAN: How was your overall experience making “Greenhouse Academy”? Dallas Hart:


it was honestly an incredible time from the very start. the casting process was intense, but i knew this character was right for me. When it got down to the last few they sent us some scripts to read to get a better feel for the characters. in one script they had lyrics for one of the songs leo sings and so i decided to compose a song on the guitar along with the lyrics provided. i honestly think it was what got me the part. Filming in tel aviv was magical. it was like a vacation and my dream job all mixed into one. this project allowed me to check off a lot of my career goals and i had to set even higher objectives.

My character on the show is also a musician so i have a couple songs in the show as well. i didn’t even know i was singing the title song until after i recorded it in the studio. they were shooting the clips for the title sequence and the song started playing and i looked to giora [chamizer], the creator of “greenhouse academy,” and he just nodded his head. i froze because i realized how big this show was going to be, and that i was singing the title song!

i’ve been acting as long as i can remember. i would always make films as a kid starting with a short called “the Frog hunter” stemming from my obsession with “the crocodile hunter” [Steve irwin]. he was my childhood hero. i did a lot of theater but never really saw myself becoming an actor profession­ally until i went to an acting camp in l.a. where i was signed to an agency on the spot. it’s been an extremely difficult path but unbelievab­ly fulfilling and i can’t see myself doing anything else. this is what i was made for.

Short term is to keep acting as much as i can. each character adds a whole new outlook on life that helps me in my career and even in my personal life. i would be on set all the time if i could. in the long run i hope to be creating my own content. i have a lot of scripts that i’m hoping to produce and that takes a lot of work and time to even get started. i have always loved every part of the entertainm­ent industry. Writing, filming, acting, editing, photograph­y and pretty much anything artistic. it’s fun being a Jack of all trades, but i’d at least consider myself a master of some rather than none.

Jon Bellion is one of my all-time favorite people in the entire world, ever. his music and the way he creates it is incredible; and he writes from the heart. however owl city is my number one music inspiratio­n. the music adam young creates is very underappre­ciated and it’s the music he doesn’t even release to the mainstream that caught my attention. it’s so unique and i can really feel what he’s feeling in every song. there’s too many to

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