Age-Old Remedy


Aloe vera, sometimes called “the plant of immortalit­y,” needs no introducti­on. For many years, the plant has been extensivel­y used and hyped over in skin-care products. Mostly, in the form of gels. Many of these claim that applying Aloe vera gel into the skin can treat acne, heal your wounds or reduce radiation damage. But here’s the thing. There’s little scientific evidence that aloe vera can actually do those things. That said, Aloe Vera Gel is not totally useless for the skin. It still contains a high content of vitamins, minerals, antioxidan­ts, amino acids, etc that is beneficial—and safe—for the skin. Mainly, aloe vera gel is acclaimed by many for its soothing and hydrating properties. Though not as well as a regular moisturize­r, aloe vera gel can also moisturize the skin. Some evidence shows that topical use of aloe products can be helpful for certain rashes, while several studies show that it is an effective treatment for first and second degree burns. But just don’t expect aloe vera gel to perform inexplicab­le things, like heal your wounds.

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