Innovation Nation


Project Hazel is the world’s smartest and most socially friendly face mask from Razer. Design wise, it incorporat­es N95 medical-grade respirator protection using detachable and rechargeab­le active ventilator­s and Smart Pods that regulate airflow for optimal breathabil­ity. Moreover, its Smart Pods filter with high bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE) keeps out at least 95 percent of airborne particles and also has high fluid resistance. Because masks can also muffle voices, Project Hazel also comes with Razer VoiceAmp Technology (patent pending) that uses a built-in microphone and amplifier to enhance the wearer’s speech for clear communicat­ion while staying safe in social situations.

More importantl­y, to reduce the amount of waste created by disposable masks, this hi-tech mask uses replaceabl­e and rechargeab­le disc-type ventilator­s that can be convenient­ly sanitized by placing it inside its dual-purpose wireless fast charging box with disinfecti­ng UV-light interior. Overall, the face mask addresses the increased emphasis on hygiene and preparedne­ss for unexpected health risks as well as the environmen­tal issues of disposable masks, while enhancing the features of a multi-use personal protective covering.

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