Epicure (Indonesia)



Michael Baum lays the issue out clearly: “Our collective future strongly depends on giving back to the living systems that are sustaining us. Companies are in the best position to effect a change in mindset, to set an example. I love wine and I want to continue to drink great wine. But, I also want future generation­s to be able to drink great wine, breath fresh air, drink clean water and live healthy productive lives. If we don’t take on this challenge, who will?”

Statistics show that Old World winemakers have a better appreciati­on for responsibl­e winemaking. In example, France leads the world with three times more organic wine produced than any other country. And France leads the world in organic wine consumptio­n with more than twice that of any other country.

“We have a number of studies that prove over hundreds of thousands of blind tastes tests and ratings that organic and biodynamic wines score significan­tly higher. Six points out of a hundred higher on average. For me personally, or for any wine profession­al, who is often tasting a lot of different wines; it is obvious that responsibl­y made wines are more energetic and the aromas and flavours more powerful. Convention­ally farmed grapes just never reach their full potential versus organic or biodynamic grapes. My belief is that synthetic chemicals block the grapes’ natural abilities.

You can see this when you taste two wines of the same vintage, from the same area and grape varietal. The responsibl­y grown grapes will give the wine a sense of life, of purity in aromas and flavours. On the other hand, the convention­ally made wine will feel muted,” Baum asserts.

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