Epicure (Indonesia)


Unexpected and unusual pastry creations are a cinch with French cream, a world-class quality cream and a mark of French savoir-faire.

- Learn more about French cream and its versatilit­y in sweet and savoury creations at www.produits-laitiers-de-france.com.

CNIEL or French Dairy board, with aid from the European Union, recently launched the second edition of its highly anticipate­d annual Pastry Show, showcasing this year’s theme of “Unexpected Matches”.

The event on 26 Aug at Eat At My Kitchen challenged renowned pastry chefs to, as the theme suggested, think outside of the box and create something unexpected; a never-seen-before, haute pastry with French cream and butter, using aromatics and spices instead of traditiona­l fruits to break the mould of traditiona­l and classic.

Cream has been an important pastry ingredient in France since the 11th century, and ever since the 18th century when pastrymaki­ng achieved a real turning point, pastry chefs have been pushing their creative boundaries, infusing French pastry classics with a more modern spirit whilst still keeping the foundation­s intact. The ubiquitous French cream is a non-negotiable pantry staple, ideal for anything from chantilly to crème diplomat, as it embodies the true hallmark of French patisserie thanks to its luscious excellence.

What makes French cream the crème de la crème? An important factor is undoubtedl­y the unparallel­ed diversity of French terroirs, where milk of the finest quality is used to produce the esteemed French cream. Unbeknown to many, the term “cream” is exclusivel­y reserved for products made by skimming whole cow’s milk and therefore contains at least 30 percent fat. French cream is manufactur­ed under stringent conditions, following exact ratios of fat to water and non-fat elements (protein, lactose and minerals) depending on the type of cream. The result is a broad spectrum of creams that range from raw cream to pasteurise­d fresh double cream and more, perfect for all imaginable culinary and pastry creations.

Renowned pastry chefs from Korea (chef Choi Kyu-sung),

Taiwan (chef Pia Fan) and France (chef Corentin Taffin) shared their unique and unexpected creations online for the latest edition of this year’s Pastry Show, while we personally watched Singapore’s very own 29-year-old Maxine Ngooi of Tigerlily Patisserie fame unveil her creations comprising Jerusalem artichoke, chocolate, cherry blossoms and walnuts, among other unexpected ingredient­s, all tied together by French cream.

A big fan of mixing things up, Ngooi enthusiast­ically took on the challenge of using “unexpected” flavours, saying, “It’s something that I don’t get to do very often although I find great joy in dreaming up flavour combinatio­ns that break the mould, and the clean flavour of French cream and its marvellous creamy texture allow my flavour pairings to really shine. It’s okay to be weird.” Indeed.

 ?? ?? Unexpected creations with French cream
Unexpected creations with French cream
 ?? ?? Maxine Ngooi of Tigerlily Patisserie (left) with host Sarah Huang Benjamin
Maxine Ngooi of Tigerlily Patisserie (left) with host Sarah Huang Benjamin
 ?? ?? Maxine Ngooi in action
Maxine Ngooi in action
 ?? ?? The content of this article reflects the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibi­lity; it cannot be considered to reflect the view of the European Union.
The content of this article reflects the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibi­lity; it cannot be considered to reflect the view of the European Union.
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