Exquisite Taste

Andrew Loudon



What do you enjoy most about bartending?


Constantly meeting new people. The creative outlet. The nitty gritty of working behind a bar, the paperwork. The friends I have met around the world. The evolution of the cocktail bar from when I began until now. My approach has always been to perfect the art of what I do. Looking at things a thousand times over to create the best way to serve something or make a cocktail.

Where do you get your inspiratio­n for your cocktails?

A: Life, it could be anything – a piece of art, a classic food dish, a song, a forest, a poem, a character from a film or novel, or even the novel itself. Inspiratio­n for me is found within the boundaries and experience­s of what you place yourself within. Inspiratio­n is everywhere. There was a famous quote I heard once which says, “some people have to look and search for inspiratio­n, I just come to work”. I take this to mean that whatever I do and wherever I am, there will be something that inspires me; it's just about being aware and being in the moment.

What qualities do you think a successful bartender should have?

A: Communicat­ion, the actual drink-making process and the end cocktail are a very minor point of bartending. The ability to converse around numerous subjects and with people of many different walks of life is important. Ultimately, we are in the entertainm­ent business; a bartender should first and foremost aim to entertain their guests.

What are three of your favourite classic cocktails?

A: Gin Martini and Manhattan.

Two of the easiest cocktails to make on paper with just two or three ingredient­s each, but the delicacy of blending the ingredient­s and the skill of the bartender are best put to the test with these two examples.

Sherry Cobbler.

Everything that a cocktail should be, refreshing, cooling, soothing, fruity, dry, tropical. A well-made Sherry Cobbler is my favourite all-time cocktail.

Tippling Club


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