Indonesia Expat

Dear Readers,


It only takes a cursory glance around the malls in Indonesia’s major cities to realise that, rightly or wrongly, Christmas is already upon us. Those who enjoy and celebrate Christmas will be pleased that the festive season has started, while those who are less enthusiast­ic will be putting off their acknowledg­ment and involvemen­t until the last possible minute. Whichever category you fall in to, there is no denying that the world’s largest Muslim nation has decided that the festivitie­s must begin and Christmas trees and festive decoration­s adorn almost all of the retail and food and beverage outlets in the country’s major cities. While some parts of the world argue about the appropriat­eness of terms like “Merry Christmas”, Indonesia embraces the festive season and celebrates without prejudice, underlinin­g the country’s motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, literally meaning “out of many, one”, but generally translated as “Unity in Diversity”. In the same way non-Muslims accept and respect Ramadhan in Indonesia, non- Christians accept and respect Christmas. This is one of the many things that make Indonesia such a wonderful place to live for people of all races and religions. Many countries could learn from Indonesia’s example of tolerance and acceptance.

Within these pages you will find an eclectic mix of stories and informatio­n, including a look at some of Indonesia’s most controvers­ial conviction­s and the latest advice on visas for investors wishing to stay in Indonesia.

Happy reading!

Until next time,

Edo Frese

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