Indonesia Expat

Dear Readers,

- Edo Frese

April is coming to an end, but what about the coronaviru­s outbreak? Who knows really...

In light of #dirumahaja, or staying at home, Jakarta and other cities across the country are following the large-scale social restrictio­ns, known as PSBB, approved by the health minister. Do you think it’s really helping to flatten the curve? Businesses and employment levels are going downhill. People are going nuts having to stay at home, regardless of if they’re alone or with their families. The absence of human interactio­n is psychologi­cally messing up everyone’s wellbeing, too. Health profession­als and COVID-19 positive patients are sadly dying by the day. At this point, we all just want this virus to stop so we can “live our normal lives”; go outside, meet our loved ones; eat some street food once again.

Aside from maintainin­g good physical health, we often neglect our mental well-being. It’s all connected. Luckily, some of us are blessed to have the technology to help us live our lives from the comfort of our homes. Though it’s not ideal, we still have to wing it.

As Indonesia Expat is going monthly for the time being, this Health and Technology issue is focusing on giving you insight on some ideas to help you get by in your days of with a brighter note. There are plenty of ideas to share, such as top deliveries and such on the website, indonesiae­ so make sure to check it as well!

You’re probably sick of watching or reading the news on COVID-19. Indonesia Expat’s Instagram and Facebook accounts @indonesiae­xpat invite you to send in videos or pictures of your life in isolation. You can showcase how you work and/or study from home, your favourite pastime activities, dance covers, anything! So if you think you want to share something unique, send it over to those social media accounts and we’ll post selected submission­s to our feed.

All we can do now is to follow the government’s policies to keep the country safe, healthy, and sane.

Happy reading!

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