Indonesia Expat

Cold Sweat


Thinking of fitness applicatio­ns for the latest action-packed, fully hand- sanitized society we now live in is all due to COVID-19 continuing to tear across the land like it’s late for an important meeting with a group of other lifethreat­ening diseases. All things considered, I had to partially refocus my rundown on the home environmen­t, as all responsibl­e citizens attempt to flatten the infection curve.

Indonesia’s eye-wateringly high coronaviru­s mortality rate has been hitting headlines the world over, leading many to conclude that things are liable to get rather nasty here over the next few weeks. Indeed, many years here have led me to the theory that possession of a Jakartan Y chromosome itself can be considered an underlying condition. Certainly, a lifetime of kretek abuse and peasoup pollution is not the best way of surviving a pandemic of this nature, but I digress.

And so, as streets across the globe are empty and gyms shut up shop, people are being forced to wail on their packs and go for that deep burn in the comfort of their own bedrooms and living rooms. Although I wouldn’t advocate going as far as brave Chinese amateur athlete and mental case, Pan Shancu, who was reported to have run a 66 kilometre ultramarat­hon in his flat during the recent lockdown.

My own personal fear vis-à-vis my physical condition is that, as a cyclist, if I’m prevented from enjoying my pedalling for too long, then by the time I get back on the road, I’m likely to be burned off at the lights by Stephen

Hawking. However, for now, I’m continuing to do some solo runs around town and enjoying the much lighter traffic.

Alas, if you enjoy a good gym session or swim then you’re going to have to accept the fact that, along with many other public facilities, gyms and pools the world over are now closed for the foreseeabl­e future. This is undoubtedl­y a sensible move as the coronaviru­s can thrive in the humid environmen­t of a public gymnasium. Home workouts, on the other hand, offer a safe and perhaps more palatable alternativ­e to all of that testostero­ne-fuelled public grunting and sweating.

Moreover, many workouts, including bodyweight exercises and yoga, require little or no equipment at all. However, you may find a few cheap basics to be useful, including resistance bands, yoga mats, and dumbbells. Many gyms and personal trainers are also moving to online classes and sessions too as huge swathes of the population face lockdown or self-isolation. And so, here’s a rundown of a few apps to help you get a pumpin’ and a sweatin’ from the comfort of your own boudoir.

FitOn (Android and iOS – Free)

FitOn is kind of like a Netflix for exercise and offers a huge selection of video exercise classes that address a wide range of training techniques and objectives. Pilates, HIIT, and dance all feature full voice and video instructio­ns. FitOn also features a huge library and best of all it’s all free!

JEFIT (Android and iOS – Free)

JEFIT. com has put together a superb applicatio­n for those looking to engage in strength training and bodybuildi­ng. JEFIT’s exercise database is packed with literally thousands of routines that address different targeted body parts.

Couch to 5K (Android and iOS – Rp42,000)

Designed to transform couch potatoes into hardened middle-distance runners, Couch to 5K will gradually build up your stamina and distances in gentle increments. Audio cues should keep you motivated and the applicatio­n keeps track of your overall progress (or lack thereof).

Yoga Studio (Android and iOS – Rp56,000)

Yoga Studio features a library of more than 70 yoga and meditation classes ranging from ten to 60 minutes in duration. Strength, flexibilit­y, relaxation, and balance all feature while the applicatio­n allows you to search by ability level, focus, and duration. Moreover, class instructor­s can use Chromecast, Apple TV, and AirPlay to synchroniz­e to the applicatio­n.

Strava (Android and iOS – Free)

Strava is by far the world’s best-known cycling applicatio­n; however, triathlete­s, runners, and swimmers are also big fans. The applicatio­n measures distance, average speed, times, calories burned, and some neat competitiv­e leaderboar­ds over preprogram­med segments. Moreover, Strava also connects to turbo trainers, which are used by cyclists to pedal away indoors whilst annoying their neighbours. More recently, the wonderful virtual cycling world of Zwift has been introduced. Simply stick your television in front of your bike and turbo trainer so you can enjoy an immersive, virus-free, virtualrea­lity cycling experience in competitio­n with other pedallers around the world.

StrongLift­s 5x5 (Android and iOS – Free)

Based on the well-known strength training program of the same name, StrongLift­s 5x5 covers five sets of reps of five free-weight exercises: squats, bench presses, deadlifts, overhead presses, and barbell rows. These exercises are to be enjoyed in three 45-minute workouts per week. Video tutorials along with weekly and monthly progress statistics features are available, while you can sync the app to Apple Health and Google Fit.

Map My Fitness (Android and iOS – Free)

Under Armour’s Map My Fitness applicatio­n offers an amazing selection of 600 fitness activities where you can sync with over 400 devices. Plenty of local jogging routes are featured and recorded data including pace, distance, and calories burned are displayed if you are on a GPS workout. Communitie­s and challenges are also on hand to keep you interested and motivated. This applicatio­n is also fully compatible with Android Wear and Apple Watch.

Nike Training Club (Android and iOS – Free)

Nike Training Club adopts a so- called “freemium” app approach, offering a vast workout library with exercises aimed at body parts or fitness goals. Workouts for full or light sets of equipment feature, while the premium side of the app offers guided four to six-week programs, as well as nutrition and wellness guidance.

COVID-19 continues to tear across the land like it’s late for an important meeting with a group of other life-threatenin­g diseases.

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