Tatler Indonesia

Happy Anniversar­y


he month of august is always special for Indonesia Tatler, as we celebrate the country’s Independen­ce Day, which falls on August 17. To commemorat­e this special event, we are featuring President Joko Widodo on our cover this month to accompany a feature that focuses on some of the positive achievemen­ts his government has achieved so far—achievemen­ts that have and will better the lives of all citizens, and which we should all be proud of and thankful for.

In keeping with this spirit of national pride, we also focus on three politician­s who have achieved outstandin­g results in their respective cities, including the governor of Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama; the governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo; and the mayor of Bandung, Ridwan Kamil. Meanwhile, in our Faces section, we talk to Kartika Wirjoatmod­jo, CEO of Bank Mandiri, who shares with us his life story and his plans for the bank, plus the renowned socialite Chiang Yu Lan, who tells us about her family and her passion for fashion.

Speaking of fashion, and also of beauty, in our Style section we share with you some handy tips and tricks on how to look and feel awesome as we move into the third quarter of the year. Food lovers aren’t left out either: Cindy Angelina and her best friend Kezia Toemion indulge at fine and fabulous French cuisine at AMUZ Gourmet Restaurant.

Last but not least, for truly inspiring luxury holiday ideas, check out our Life section for details of the latest Royal Caribbean cruise liner Harmony of the Seas— the biggest cruiser in the world—and intimate encounters with whale sharks and other exotic wildlife on the wonderful Ningaloo Coast in Western Australia. Happy reading and happy anniversar­y Indonesia!

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