Tatler Indonesia

Fairest of them All

Guntur Soekarno blends culture and photograph­y into a Gitano-themed body of work

- Words and photograph­y by Guntur Soekarno

As a hobbyist photograph­er who primarily focuses on portraying models, I have captured hundreds of portraits over the decades ranging from a toddler to a grandmothe­r. I have recorded many people from all walks of life through my cameras, such as the simple Kodak Instamatic Baby Box and the advanced Hasselblad 500C. Even today, with digital cameras, I remain actively casting models from a diverse background of profession­s and ages. The models this time were Andini Effendi, a profession­al journalist and a leading presenter, and Hanika Febriane Ibrahim or Nika, a director at a private company. Both were photograph­ed with natural lighting and only aided with a reflector to add some lighting. Many thanks to my assistant Meidy H Krisnadi, a fellow photograph­y enthusiast, for helping me out.

Coming from my background as a musician and a socio-political observer, I am rather fascinated with the Gypsy people’s music and social behaviour. “Gitanos” thus became the theme for this photoshoot, where I portrayed both ladies as part of the Gypsy people. The idea was further cemented as I listened, in the stillness of the night, to some songs from the Gipsy Kings: Un Amore, Cominando Por La Calle and Amimanera. Furthermor­e, I discussed with them to incorporat­e more colours into the makeup to look more lively.

Two focal points of expressive­ness were the colour red for lipstick and dark mascara, which translated well into either colour or black-and-white photos.

I also added some details to their wardrobe to enhance the Gitanos feel, such as a blood-red headband for Nika. For Andini, I added a multi-coloured one together with a red rose in her hair. Of course, some electric and acoustic guitars added nice touches to the compositio­ns, such as an electric Fender Stratocast­er guitar and a nylon-acoustic Arista guitar made in Bandung.

Overall, all these combinatio­ns of different elements and colours resulted in an elegant and vivid concept.

Guntur Soekarnopu­tra is one of five children of Indonesia’s first president, Soekarno, from his marriage to Fatmawati. Sharing the same penchant for the arts as his father, Guntur has trained his focus primarily on photograph­y and business. On the political stage, he is not actively involved in the public eye but continues to write socio-political articles for Harian Kompas, Media Indonesia, Suara Pembaruan and Berita Satu, among many others.

“Coming from my background as a musician and a socio-political observer, I am rather fascinated with the Gypsy people’s music and social behaviour”

 ??  ?? Hanika Febriane Ibrahim, vice director at Xenium Indonesia Opposite page: Andini Effendi, journalist
Hanika Febriane Ibrahim, vice director at Xenium Indonesia Opposite page: Andini Effendi, journalist
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 ??  ?? Gitanos-themed photoshoot with Hanika and Andini one fine day
Gitanos-themed photoshoot with Hanika and Andini one fine day
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