Tatler Indonesia

Through His Eyes

With Puyi eyewear celebratin­g its 20th anniversar­y, founder Jeffery Yau introduces the exclusive frames made for the occasion and discusses the most expensive pair he ever sold

- By Rosana Lai. Portrait by Affa Chan

Jeffery Yau gazes out the window of his conference room at a sprawling view of Hong Kong. “Luxury eyewear as it is today didn’t exist 20 years ago,” he says. “I still remember trying to find shop space at a highend mall and the landlord said, ‘We don’t need an optical shop here, thanks.’” But what the landlord didn’t recognise was that Yau’s vision was no ordinary neighbourh­ood store where you’d go to refill a prescripti­on for contact lenses.

At the time, Yau, was already a business magnate as founder and CEO of Europe Watch Company, one of the largest authorised retailers for the likes of Rolex and Patek Philippe in Hong Kong. Work led him to travel the world and he discovered niche eyewear stores in places like Soho in New York City and Aoyama in Tokyo where passionate owners sold unusual frames that he could not find in his home town. So he

replicated the concept with his first standalone shop in Tsim Sha Tsui in 2001—but with his own flair.

“As a Chinese person, I wanted to create something more reflective of my heritage, so I came up with the name Puyi with my wife,” he says. “It’s the name of the last emperor of China and also the Chinese name for round-shaped spectacles. I felt the name fit everything I had in mind.”

Over the years, Puyi Optical has become a destinatio­n for luxury and collectibl­e eyewear, and 2021 marks its 20th anniversar­y. The brand has grown to include subsidiary labels Glasstique, Reflection­s, Point de Vue, Vault, O-O Shop and O-O Vision that together boast 900 employees across 86 shops in 23 cities in Greater China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Yau says launching his first stores in mainland China was a challenge and turning point for the business. “I actually failed once in the early 2000s and had to close all our stores shortly after opening because the market wasn’t mature enough, but then I decided to try again after 2006.” The move paid off during the pandemic, when mainland China’s ability to control its spread early on, and the resulting economic boom, led to uninterrup­ted growth for

Puyi Optical.

While ongoing social restrictio­ns foiled plans for anniversar­y celebratio­ns, they didn’t stop Yau from rolling out collaborat­ions with Puyi Optical’s longstandi­ng partners, including Linda Farrow, Gentle Monster and Kering. “We’ve become notorious in the industry for being quite demanding,” says

Yau with a laugh. “Brands know partnering with us means we’ll have many changes and requests, but they’ve come to trust our expertise in knowing what the Asian customer wants, so we’ve actually become involved in advising even their developmen­t side.”

One of said developmen­ts is the “Asian fit”, a catchphras­e that eyewear brands have begun using over the past two decades, referring to certain adjustment­s made to frames to suit Asian face shapes. “Fifteen years ago, there was no such thing,” says Yau. “Asians were wearing European fits, which means the glasses would be floating off the nose bridge or would be too small for their faces. Now, brands—and I’m talking about big brands like Chanel and Gucci—have to adjust because the clients are more mature and if something doesn’t fit right, they won’t buy it.” Where Yau’s expertise is valuable to his partners is in defining what exactly that fit means, and understand­ing the many nuances within Asia. “It’s not just about more support in the nose bridge; northern Chinese people have bigger heads than southern Chinese, for example, and the Japanese still prefer small, thin shapes, so it’s not so simple.”

This rising class of Asian consumers is also behind two of eyewear’s next big trends, according to Yau. The first is jewellerye­ncrusted eyewear; the most expensive piece Yau ever sold was a frame by German brand Lotos with diamonds lining its arms for a whopping HK$6 million. Several million-dollar frames can still be found at select Puyi Optical flagship stores. Technology-infused lenses will also be a hallmark of the future, with brands like Gentle Monster already creating smart eyewear that incorporat­es microphone­s.

Yau was the first to bring German brand Zeiss to Asia in 2017, using its technology to create highly customisab­le frames and, most recently, even antibacter­ial lenses.

As for what he has in mind for the next 20 years of Puyi Optical, Yau has his sights set on staking a flag in the already-crowded markets of Japan and South Korea before moving into Singapore and Malaysia. “I feel very fortunate that I’ve gotten to help develop the industry,” he says. “Today, if you look at all the high-end shopping malls, you’ll see a Puyi shop, because they now believe in this product and category, and know it belongs next to luxury fashion and accessorie­s. And I’d like to think that maybe Puyi had played a role in making this change in attitude, and that’s what I’m most proud of.”

2021 Vision GUCCI

“A lot of people may not know that Gucci is a very important brand for eyewear. Even 20 years ago it was one of the best-selling eyewear brands in the world. So I have very high expectatio­ns from Gucci compared to other fashion brands; they have the best archive and experience”


“The most expensive piece we’ve ever sold was HK$6 million by Lotos, a German brand that has been doing expensive eyewear for jewellery brands like Cartier and Chopard, and the only thing they make is eyewear. It wasn’t even a custom order; I just ordered it because I wanted something special and then we sold it within that year”


“When you see Chrome Hearts eyewear, you can tell it’s Chrome Hearts: that’s the mark they were able to make in the industry. This anniversar­y piece is a round frame and I’d say the most Puyi one of all the collaborat­ions. I went with white, which is even more unusual. My team wasn’t sure about it, but we stuck to the white and gold, and we sold out in the first two days. Even my wife bought a pair”


“Gentle Monster is one of my favourite brands. Hankook Kim is so talented and creative; he’s the brain behind it. From their campaigns and shop experience­s, you can tell they’re ahead of the game, and

I’m so proud to be one of their earliest partners. For our anniversar­y we came up with Rick and Freda, which in my opinion are their two best shapes. They’re so simple, I feel everyone could wear either of them. That’s the art of a good product. I still remember Mr Kim told me why it’s called Gentle Monster, and it makes so much sense, the chemistry between a gentleman and a crazy monster”


“I met Simon Jablon, the founder and creative director of Linda Farrow, ages ago, and he’s become family to us. In the beginning I saw a design of his I liked but I wasn’t a fan of the fit and colour so I proposed some changes, and Simon said with so many alteration­s he needed a bigger commitment from me. We’ve since collaborat­ed every single year; this year marks our 16th project. Our anniversar­y version is an aviator frame which is very popular for sunglasses but still rather unusual for an optical because it’s not an easy frame to get right, but

I think ours is really great”

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