

God for everyone

- By Keith Phillips, adapted Keith Phillips was Activated’s editor-in-chief for 14 years from 1999 to 2013. He and his wife Caryn now work with the homeless in the U.S.

Around 40% of the world’s population has Internet access. That’s more than three billion people. Instead of hunting through books or doing research at a physical location, we can find informatio­n we need by typing a few key words and clicking “search.” Within seconds, links to thousands of websites appear on our screen. Admittedly this can be a bit hit and miss. There’s a lot of material to skim, and not everything you do find is reliable, but there’s no arguing that the Internet puts a world of informatio­n at our fingertips.

Wouldn’t it be great, though, if instead of merely supplying us with informatio­n, the Internet could actually provide guidance, answer our deep questions about the meaning of life, help organize and direct our daily lives, and satisfy our emotional and spiritual needs? The Internet will never be able to do all those things, of course, but God can. God put in us all the needed hardware and software for us to access Him when He created us. We can reach Him anytime, from anywhere, for free, and it’s never hit and miss.

All that is necessary to power up our system is faith. We get that faith by reading up on our equipment in the Maker’s manual, the Bible. Faithbuild­ing tips and testimonia­ls can also be found in feedback from those who are already powered up and enjoying the benefits. Let’s connect with our interactiv­e God, so we all can receive, enjoy, and benefit from what He has to offer.

Seven billion people have access to God. That’s 100% coverage.

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