

- By Gabriel García V. Gabriel García V. is the editor of the Spanish edition of Activated and a member of the Family Internatio­nal in Chile.

Not long ago, when we checked our credit card statement after buying an airline ticket, we discovered that the airline had charged us twice. We contacted the airline in the hope of correcting the error right away to avoid the charge and interest that it would incur. After three futile and time-consuming phone calls to the company’s call center, we felt irritated and helpless. Then we called our bank and were advised to block the credit card until we could find a solution.

It turned out to be too hasty a decision. After searching the airline’s website, my wife found detailed instructio­ns on how to proceed in the event of an overcharge. We sent an email with the necessary details, and within a few days, we received a gracious reply notifying us that the money would be reimbursed to our account.

In the meantime, we had to deal with the consequenc­es of having blocked our card. First, we had to deactivate our old card and then activate a new card. We also had to fill out, scan, and email pages of forms and make two trips to the bank.

All these wasted hours could have been avoided if we had not been so hasty. Our attempts to speed up the process ended up making things much more complicate­d.

There are times when we try to push our way through a problem instead of giving God time to work or waiting for things to run their natural course. When we feel inclined to rush into a situation, it is a good idea to take time in communion with God. Instead of intervenin­g on our own, we can pray for a solution to the problem and seek heaven’s guidance on how to proceed.

The Bible calls us to work in the Spirit rather than in our own natural strength. To take off running to win the 100-meter dash is fine for athletes like Usain Bolt, the Jamaican sprinter; but even he has to watch his step, because he lost the opportunit­y to defend his 100-meter world sprint title in 2011 due to jumping the gun.

My conclusion is to go slower, give God time to work, let things flow, and act with deliberati­on. The next time I am tempted to rush off on an impulse, I plan to wait instead for God’s leading.

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