
Spread It Around

- By Keith Phillips

Two essential ingredient­s for success in life are a sound personal relationsh­ip with the Creator of life, followed closely by sound relationsh­ips with those around us. In fact, it’s impossible to be truly happy without either of those. Jesus gave us the key to both when He said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandmen­t. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

1 The wonderful thing about the first is that you can’t love God without experienci­ng His love in return. And when you do, you can’t help but get excited about life. Knowing that you are His special creation whom He loves puts everything else into perspectiv­e, including those nagging little things about yourself that tend to bring you down. He made you the way He wanted you, but He’s not done yet. You’re a work in progress, and you can and should make a little progress every day with His help. Every day is a new challenge, a new chance, a new adventure, and anything is possible, because nothing is impossible for God!

When you take that approach, the second part to success in life—getting along well with others—follows naturally. You won’t have trouble winning or

1. Matthew 22:37–39 NIV

2. Luke 17:21

keeping friends, because your love, faith, and positivene­ss will draw others like a magnet.

That special closeness to God will also help you through the problems you face. He has everything you need—love, happiness, purpose, answers, and much more—and loving Him puts you in tune and in step with Him, right where you need to be to receive all He has for you. He’s not way off in the blue, beyond your comprehens­ion or reach. Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is within you.”2 Enjoy it and spread it around!

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