Business Traveller

Pillow Tech

The latest gadgets and apps can help you to control the length and quality of your sleep, says Caramel Quin



Free (iOS and Android) sleepgeniu­s. com As well as tracking your sleep, Sleep Genius uses your smartphone’s accelerome­ter to measure your movement. It will play soothing sounds to lull you to sleep, gently wake you over the course of five minutes, and offer relaxation exercises when you’re feeling stressed.


Free ( iOS and Android) sleepcycle. com By tracking your sleep via your phone’s ac meter, you can analyse ho u slept in detail, and the alarm can wake you at the optimum point. It also records the percentage of sleep quality and average time in bed.


Free (iOS) An intriguing app that claims to be able to help you choose what you dream about and even support lucid dreaming. It monitors your sleep like other apps, but then plays your chosen soundscape – from “peaceful garden” to “wild west” – when your subconscio ious is most suggestibl­e.


Free (Android) play. goog This tells yo time for bed, helps you drift off with soft sounds, tracks sleep phases, then wakes you with natural sounds while you’re in a light sleep phase. It detects snoring and makes clicking sounds to encourage you to stop.


Free (iOS and Android) ipnossoft. com This app lets you combine sounds and melodies to create r own relaxation soundtrack. Experi nt to find the mix that’s best for you – wh er that is thunder or monks chanting, a flute or a cat purring. It sounds quirky, but many insomniacs swear by it.


Free (iOS and Android) azumio. com A sleep tracker app with cycle analysis software developed with Stanford niversity, what makes this app stand out is its audio. rom a range of natura ds apes to lull you to sleep or rouse you when you’re snoozing – you choose the 30-minute window in which you’d like to be woken.


69p (iOS) This does all the sleep sensing offered by other apps, but also uses the iPhone camera to measure your pulse optically from your fingertip – finding correlatio­ns between your sleep and resting heart rate.


Free (iOS) itunes. apple. com A clever app from the University of Michigan that calculates how to tackle jet lag before and after your journey, by using light and darkness to support your body’s natural circadian rhythms. Tell it where and when you’re travelling and it will create a schedule of light, dark and sleep for you.


Free (iOS and Android) mysleepbot. com This tracks data including sleep time, waking time, hours of sleep and your “current debt” – the hours of rest you’re missing out on. Unusually, it records sound, too. There’s a graph of noise levels – tap it to hear the audio – proving finally who snores and who talks in their sleep.


US$80 (iOS only) sleeprate. com If you’re sleeping badly, the problem may be holistic. This pricey app (full kit sold for US$100) requires a Polar 7 heart rate monitor and ta versity’s Cognitive Behavioura­l Therapy for Insomnia to look at thoughts, routines and emotions by day, alongside sleep logs.

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