The Luxury Network Magazine

The New Decade Brings New Change: Luxury Industry Trends in 2020

- Written by Camilla Carboni

In the wake of a new decade and particular­ly now, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the luxury industry is poised for transforma­tion. Luxuries are by nature postponabl­e purchases and, at a time of global uncertaint­y, luxury brands are adapting and evolving to stay abreast of consumer demand.

In the words of Claudia D’Arpizio, Management Consultant for Bain & Company: “Brands will need to pivot to a new model to respond to customers’ needs when it comes to buying, consuming and communicat­ing.”

Leading this change is the growing millennial audience and their focus on conscious consumeris­m. Currently estimated to account for 32% of all purchases in the luxury sector, millennial­s are anticipate­d to account for 50% of luxury market purchases in as little as 5 years, according to research data by Matter of Form.

The influx of millennial audiences and the growing trend of disruptive brands centered on changing existing narratives has awakened a need for a new discourse in the luxury sector. Once able to rest on laurels of elegance, exclusivit­y, and quality of the product, luxury brands now also need a strong purpose, a captivatin­g story, and an engaging, personaliz­ed approach to remain relevant in today’s world.

Millennial consumers seek individual­ity and meaning; making a conscious effort to support causes that align with their own beliefs. It is no longer a matter of showcasing brand labels for the sake of exclusivit­y, but rather to illustrate support for something one believes in.

In order to compete with new luxury startups and disruptive brands built on purpose, the heritage luxury industry is presented with a new challenge: to redefine its place in the market and reach new audiences.

To do so, insiders predict a focus on relevancy, sustainabi­lity, and partnershi­ps in 2020.

Relevancy goes hand in hand with meaning and, as a result, the legacy luxury market is refining its messaging to substantia­te its value in the marketplac­e. “Stories must go beyond brand history and relate to consumers’ needs and passions today,” says Hedda Schupak, Editor at The Centurion. Alongside relevancy is the increasing importance of sustainabi­lity. Millennial­s, in particular, are conscious of our earth and are making deliberate purchasing decisions to support those brands that support our future. This intentiona­l consumeris­m extends beyond philanthro­pic messaging to a genuine concern for our planet and its people and calls for a strong stance that guides the overarchin­g principles of design, communicat­ions, and service.

The third trend of partnershi­ps will enable heritage brands to leverage promising audiences and reach a sector that has not yet been accessible. Polo Ralph Lauren’s recent partnershi­p with London-based streetwear brand, Palace, is one such example and Louis Vuitton’s partnershi­p with Supreme is another.

Luxury brands are also looking into social media influencer­s to gain exposure to younger audiences. As Brian Trunzo, senior consultant at Mindset recently shared with Business Insider: “There’s an emerging brand of luxury, built around the Gen Z and Millennial mindset, whereby luxury is no longer tethered just to price and perception.”

As a direct result of the trend towards relevancy, sustainabi­lity, and partnershi­ps, the luxury industry is tasked with bridging the gap between exclusivit­y and authentici­ty. Heritage luxury brands are revisiting their roots and redesignin­g their narrative to create a legacy that consumers can stand behind. Brand stories are leading the transforma­tion, igniting a purpose-driven approach that is both globally conscious and uniquely personaliz­ed.

As a market researcher, Pamela N. Danziger, aptly phrased in Forbes: “The old conspicuou­s consumptio­n model that previous generation­s embraced has been replaced by a conscienti­ous one.”

Consumers today yearn to be a part of something bigger than themselves while, at the same time, seek to be respected as individual­s. It is not merely the product or service itself that drives consumer behavior, but the entire ecosystem that creates it—the manufactur­ers and suppliers luxury brands choose to do business with, the organizati­ons luxury brands support, and the difference luxury brands make in our world.

In the midst of this transforma­tion, “the opportunit­y is to return to the key pillars of luxury—quality, craftsmans­hip, design, attention to detail, uniqueness, and authentici­ty,” Danziger concluded. This is a decade in which the end product or service matters as much as the purpose, practice, and principles taken to foster the luxury experience.

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