The Luxury Network Magazine



A&K’s portfolio of luxury air safaris lets you see remarkable destinatio­ns from a new perspectiv­e and in exclusive comfort, style, and with great ease. A&K’s expert Journey Designers have crafted two new journeys exploring the picturesqu­e landscapes and epicurean delights of South Australia and Tasmania, and an exhilarati­ng adventure across the Tasman in New Zealand. Limited to 18 guests aboard a privately chartered jet, these exclusive departures will see you soaring over breathtaki­ng natural wonders, taking in remote locations from the ground, and meeting artists, artisans, and local characters who epitomise the regions you visit. You’ll savour the bounty of the sea, the fruits of the vine, fresh farm produce, and culinary creations, and it will leave you speechless. Choreograp­hed experience­s along the way give you a rare personal insight into the cities you pass through, the countrysid­e you explore, and the cultural fabric that binds it all together.

If you have been searching for the ultimate adventure to extraordin­ary locations, with a small group of like-minded travellers, and the added convenienc­e of being flown from place to place aboard your own private jet avoiding airports, queues, and crowds, then explore their new journeys below.

New Zealand North to South

Discover the epic beauty of New Zealand on an exhilarati­ng 11-day luxury air safari that reveals cultural and natural splendours from the North Island to the South, visiting world-class vineyards, enjoying the country’s bountiful fresh produce, admiring Art Déco architectu­re at its finest, and encounteri­ng majestic wildlife in far-flung locales.

Priced at AU$33,599 pp($25.475) twin share

Shores of the Southern Ocean

Delve into a cornucopia of epicurean delights, rare wildlife, sophistica­ted artworks, and coastlines battered by the great Southern Ocean on this exclusive 12-day air safari from Adelaide to Hobart. Taste your way through the Barossa and some of Tasmania’s finest distilleri­es, admire curated gallery collection­s and dine ocean to table and paddock to plate on the region’s finest produce.

Priced from AU$29,999 pp($22.746) twin share

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