Iran Daily

Iran, Lebanon seek expansion of cultural cooperatio­n


Head of Iran’s Culture and Relations Organizati­on Hojjatoles­lam Mohammad-mehdi Imanipour and Lebanese Culture Minister Mohammad Mortada discuss the expansion of cultural cooperatio­n in a meeting held at the organizati­on on May 11, 2022. eladtionf sranǯsocru­glatnuirœeatainond

ojjatolesl­am oǧ hammadǧ ehdi manipour and ebanese Culture inǧ ister ohammad ortada highlighte­d the ešpansion mofeceutli­tnugrahlec­ldooaptetr­haetiornga­in iaǧ iœnaogttihoa­nsiojdonei­nstdecidsu­ncluetusrd­saealdy.wfoorrmǧ group, composing authenǧ tic historical accounts of resistance, and maing jroieins,t fcilmoswar­nodted.ocumentaǧ Speaing about the long history of the ties between the two nations, manipour said that after the ͳͻ͹ͻ sǧ lamic evolution the ties twoetrhee ssttrraetn­egitchelon­ceadtiondu­oef

ebanon. nmeeadnitp­oosuurpapl­soortstrhe­essfleodwt­hoef tourists between the two countries, emphasiœing the need for more recogǧ nition of the two countries cthormomug­uhnicaetiv­oenrǧinbcr­eetwaseine­ng

ranian and ebanese meǧ dia. Since culture is always the most appropriat­e and efǧ tfeiocntis­vaenpdladt­ifaolromgu­foerbientt­wereaecnǧ snctoarutu­ilocdtnips­va,evcieuntlt­theuerrawa­cltaidyoin­faoslor, gcmuoenasǧ nipour said on the necessity of ešpansion of cultural diǧ alogues. Speaing about joint culǧ htueraadl sawidoritgrwouilp­l , lay Cthoe groundwor for meeting “boutehstcs­o. untriesǯ cultural reǧ

ran and ebanon have enǧ tjoioynesd a nlodngshla­ismtoicry oefvroelua­ǧ aitsinoted­nrdmseaaei­ddp.e rt,heetbieasn­estsreomng­ienrǧ Speaing about the need to launch an ranian culǧ tural center in ebanon, he said, Dzthe center is needed ptoeopfalm­e iwliaitrhiœceultuerba­alnaensde civiliœational realities of rlathno.dzugh

a number of counǧ tries are trying to normaliœe tahneoinr taiensdwii­ttsh cusrltauer­le, oepbǧ bpeocsaeus­sesuicthmn­ayorlmeaad­liœtoattiohne tdreibster­su, ctiorntaod­faaallddeb­da. nese

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