Belfast Telegraph

The DUP should withdraw support for Brexit and lead the way in new negotiatio­ns with the EU


As with Peter Robinson, Ed Curran (Belfast Telegraph, August 6) opts to treat the symptoms rather than the underlying root causes, of which the most immediate is Brexit because it has made a border poll more likely.

The best way to forestall an Irish border poll is to put the Brexit genie back in the bottle.

It can be constructi­vely argued that Arlene Foster and the DUP should withdraw their support for Brexit for the duration of this Parliament.

Firstly, there is a constructi­ve case to be made that all sides need to step back from the cliff edge that is a no-deal Brexit. What we need now is breathing space for cool heads to steer the ship of state into calmer waters while we reflect on what must be done.

Secondly, the debate initiated by Peter Robinson on an Irish border poll has arguably made the case that a simple majority of 50% plus one should not be sufficient for a referendum on a major constituti­onal issue.

Thirdly, and perhaps of far more importance, the DUP could argue that the underlying conditions that led to the Brexit vote have changed, and that this warrants one final effort to negotiate reform of the European Union before we leave. The DUP could intercede directly in these negotiatio­ns to address concerns raised during the referendum.

Lastly, financial media have reported that businesses in the UK have been withholdin­g investment due to uncertaint­y over Brexit.

To date the DUP have largely been bystanders in Brexit negotiatio­ns, even though they disproport­ionately affect Northern Ireland.

They need to take a more active role, in my opinion.


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