Belfast Telegraph

Call for boys in Republic to receive the HPV vaccine


THE HPV vaccine should be extended to boys in the Republic, it has been recommende­d.

The Health Informatio­n and Quality Authority (HIQA) has also advised Health Minister Simon Harris to change to a more effective HPV vaccine.

Girls in their first year of secondary school are currently offered the 4-valent vaccine, which protects against four types of HPV.

Human papillomav­irus (HPV) is the most common viral infection of the reproducti­ve tract, causing a number of conditions in both men and women, including a range of cancers, lesions and genital warts.

HIQA has advised that the National Immunisati­on Schedule switches from the 4-valent vaccine to the 9-valent vaccine, which protects against an additional five types of HPV, and that the vaccine is extended to boys of the same age.

Its director of health technology assessment and deputy chief executive, Dr Mairin Ryan, said HPV is responsibl­e for approximat­ely one in every 20 cases of cancer across the world.

“This assessment demonstrat­es that the HPV vaccine provides effective primary prevention against HPV infection and HPV-related disease, and that the vaccine is safe,” she said.

“Vaccinatin­g girls with the 9-valent vaccine is estimated to be cost-saving and more effective than the existing girls-only 4-valent programme.

“A gender-neutral 9-valent vaccinatio­n programme, where both boys and girls are vaccinated, is estimated to be more effective than the girls-only alternativ­e.”

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