Belfast Telegraph

Spies could enter UK from Ireland despite new travel scheme, says peer

- By Neil Lancefield

A PEER has suggested that Russian spies wanting to enter the UK to poison Vladimir Putin’s enemies will be able to “just hop on a plane to London” from the Irish Republic despite not signing up to a new travel scheme.

A Home Office official yesterday admitted it will be “a challenge” to catch people illegally entering the UK from the Republic who do not have electronic travel authorisat­ion (ETA) — a requiremen­t for people who do not need a visa to come to the UK.

The programme is being extended to nationals of all countries but will not apply to Irish citizens because they have a right to travel to any part of the UK under the Common Travel Area.

Without an ETA, many tourists crossing the Irish border into Northern Ireland will be committing a crime — although it is unclear how this would be policed.

Simon Bond, a senior director in the Home Office, was questioned by the House of Lords’ Justice and Home Affairs Committee about enforcemen­t.

Committee member Lord Sandhurst asked Mr Bond about a scenario in which he was a foreign national of “villainous intent” who enters the Republic of Ireland and could “just hop on a plane to London” despite not having an ETA.

He added: “I may be committing a criminal offence, but how are your lot and the security people going to know that I have done this?”

In his answer, Mr Bond admitted “that is certainly a challenge”, adding: “The overall intent is to understand as much as possible about everyone coming to the UK, in order to upstream all of those checks.”

Lord Sandhurst responded: “If I’m on a wicked mission for Mr Putin (Russian president Vladimir Putin) carrying dangerous poisons, that would be my route in, wouldn’t it?” Mr Bond did not reply.

The ETA scheme was introduced in November 2023 but is currently only for nationals of Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

It is scheduled to be extended to include the European Union, the European Economic Area and Swiss nationals from early 2025, and the rest of the world this autumn.

Lord Dubs suggested to immigratio­n minister Tom Pursglove it is “not a very satisfacto­ry position” that a tourist from a third country visiting the Republic will be committing a criminal offence if they cross into Northern Ireland without an ETA.

The peer asked the minister “how are you going to enforce this?” given there are no immigratio­n controls at the land border.

Mr Pursglove replied: “The issue that I have with taking a different approach to this and to creating an exemption is the fact that it just blows a hole in the whole concept of trying to have that more enhanced border security.

“We want to stop individual­s from arriving at the UK border in the first place, understand­ing more about people who are making those journeys.

“I think that as a Government, we’ve been pragmatic in terms of what we’ve managed to agree in terms of the earlier exemption with those residents in Ireland who are third-country nationals.

“I think that is a sensible approach that we’ve taken there.

“We will obviously of course keep these policies under review but I think the fundamenta­l concept that we’re trying to uphold here is one that is important and I wouldn’t want to undermine that.

“I think the key place that we should place our energy in relation to this, is to communicat­e what this change means for travellers.”

 ?? ?? Russian President Vladimir Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin

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