Belfast Telegraph

The Big General Knowledge Quiz


1 Which Dickens novel includes the characters Esther Summerson, John Jarndyce and Nemo?

2 In the phonetic alphabet, which word represents the letter Q?

3 The nickname of which national football side translates as “The Little Canaries”?

4 What first name connects British prime ministers Macmillan and Wilson?

5 Which iconic Swiss alp overlooks the town of Zermatt?

6 What is the largest living fish species?

7 Who wrote the poem Jabberwock­y?

8 Marengo was the horse of which French military leader?

9 In which modern day country would you have found the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world?

10 What is the capital city of Liechtenst­ein?

11 In origami, it is said that a wish will be granted if you fold a thousand of which symbolic bird?

12 The River Nile’s two major tributarie­s converge in Khartoum, the capital of which country?

13 What is the flavour of the liqueur triple sec?

14 What two colours appear on the flag of Denmark?

15 Which king of England was required to sign the Magna Carta in 1215?

16 In basketball, how many points are awarded for a shot made from within the three-point line?

17 English naturalist Charles Darwin was born in which historic market town, close to the Welsh border?

18 From which classic Christmas film is the line “Every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings”?

19 What is the name of the stone in Ireland that is said to endow the ‘gift of the gab’ to anyone who kisses it?

20 Lofty, Scoop and Scrambler are characters from which animated children’s television series?

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