Bray People


- by Carlos O’Connor

Cancer June 22 – July 22

Your strength is in your determinat­ion this week. Use your imaginatio­n to enthuse others and get them onside. You may not feel the need for this extra support but, in going it alone, others may feel snubbed. Help someone get over an over-developed sense of pride when you know that they need help. We are all human but some show it more than others. Your Luck: If you want to be a happy bunny, then start hopping to it!

Scoprio October 24 – November 22

Confusion turns to relief as you realise that someone has had your best interests at heart after all. Misunderst­andings do happen but are best mended as soon as possible. Having to delay a plan is annoying. Often, when you try to keep life simple, it just complicate­s it. Showing determinat­ion now can get your message over clearly. You want a smoothly running life, but not at any cost. Your Luck: Show what you are capable of.

Pisces February 20 – March 20

In a week of deep thought, your imaginatio­n is inclined to run wild. Talk to those around you to get a more balanced picture. A loved one is in action mode and, if you hitch a ride, your wellbeing can improve. On a practical note, a plan that has so far taken a long time is worth seeing through, if only for your own satisfacti­on. Your Luck: Rewards are not always what you are looking for, nice as they are.

Leo July 23 – August 23

Is there a special meeting coming up? Giving a gift to someone who is not expecting it brings you both happiness. Someone who deserves your help may find it hard to ask for it. Yes, I know that you are not a mind reader, but do please be aware. The end of another month may give you cause to pause and think. Is progress as expected? Do you need to make a few adjustment­s here and there? Your Luck: Flowers and fun are indicated.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

Some of the better things in life are coming your way this week. There is really no rush to start a project or make a journey if you don’t feel ready for it. A loved one welcomes the chance for some quiet and quite deep chats. Be available and really listen. There seems to be a period of mutual need ahead that brings people together. Take advantage of it. Your Luck: The more that you give to others this week, the more you will get in return.

Aries March 21 – April 20

Want to get an important message over? Then make it sooner rather than later. Expecting too much of someone who lacks the knowledge will only prove disappoint­ing. Much as you may wish to, you cannot turn live someone else’s life for them. They will make mistakes regardless of your input. At least you will know that you tried! Your Luck: Get a bargain this week. You can gain as much by saving as by earning if you pay attention.

Virgo August 24 - September 23

A special treat for you could put someone’s nose out of joint. Don’t see it as your problem. A blip in confidence could be due to a misunderst­anding. If you feel that someone is against you, find out why. Don’t worry about making changes. At the moment you should be thinking more of the common good than just about upsetting one person. Your Luck: As the week wears on it becomes clear that adjustment­s need to be made in a plan.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

Home life should be especially enjoyable even when things do not run smoothly. Tomorrow you can start again. At the moment you could lead five different lives quite happily. The thing is to make the most of the one you have. Counting your blessings just wastes time that could be spent enjoying them. So, stop living in your imaginatio­n and make contact in ‘real’ time. Your Luck: Lovely love liaisons and the fun of extra cash come together this week.

Taurus April 21 – May 21

A financial plan moves closer but staying in charge of others is important for a good outcome. Sloppiness from any direction could see you lose an advantage. Continue to show respect to someone who, on the face of it, may not deserve it. Their long-term reaction may surprise and delight you. Set an example. Your Luck: Someone close to home restores your faith in human nature by making a real difference.

Libra September 24 - October 23

Retaining your calm is necessary as others try to irritate you. Could there be a bit of jealousy around? Such things are best ignored. Indeed, you may decide to keep a low profile for a few days. That is easy if you can find someone to take into that hidey-hole with you. With someone on your tail you may not be thinking in terms of romance, but why not? Your Luck: Make a point of keeping your private worries separate from your domestic dreams.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

Chances to sort out a financial conundrum show themselves as this week begins. Be sure to make the most of this great aspect! A few hiccups toward the weekend only serve to make you more determined. Wishful thinking will not get you very far. What will you communicat­e? Maybe your willingnes­s to learn from others? The more you know, the more you enjoy your life. Your Luck: The future is where you should be looking.

 ??  ?? Gemini
May 22 – June 21
Joint finances are highlighte­d as this week begins. A windfall is likely. This means extra in either your purse or your financial future. If you are in any kind of competitio­n, get your opinions and ideas in first! A fresh and...
Gemini May 22 – June 21 Joint finances are highlighte­d as this week begins. A windfall is likely. This means extra in either your purse or your financial future. If you are in any kind of competitio­n, get your opinions and ideas in first! A fresh and...

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