Bray People




This TV series, tells you all you need to know about the revolution in the way in which we watch television, since the arrival of digital, online streamed TV. The show more than any other has been the stand out success story for Netflix and will be a conversati­on talking point in the days ahead.

Season five of Frank Underwood’s political scheming is released on Tuesday and some fans will watch every episode back-to-back, others will try and string it out but will be afraid to hear how the plot unravels from those who skip ahead.

The series was previously released in early March, but Netflix have stated the cause of delay was scheduling problems with their ever expanding roster of shows, however you suspect that the writers may have been tweaking the script to reflect the Trump Presidency and the chaos that has followed. It may be a hard task for the writers to repeat the success of earlier series, after all, in this case, fact is stranger than fiction.

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