Bray People

Signs that you have a weak immune system


SEASONAL colds and flu are normal, most people will experience one or two colds per year and recover quickly. However, frequent and recurring colds and flu can be a sign of a weakened immune response. Stress, lifestyle factors, and foods like caffeine, sugar and alcohol can have a suppressiv­e effect on the immune system. As can a diet that is deficient in essential nutrients including vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Sugar and alcohol can deplete important immune boosting nutrients like Zinc and Vitamin C.

Up to 70% of immune cells are located in the gut and supported by good bacteria. Stress, inadequate diet and the use of antibiotic­s can affect the levels of these friendly gut bacteria. It’s vitally important to have adequate levels of these important bacteria. Take a good quality probiotic supplement to replenish them.

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