Bray People

Easy Crossword



4. Take (6) 7. Observer (8) 8. Frightens (6) 10. Groom’s partner (5) 13. To kick (4) 14. Sound in mind (4) 15. Disclaim (4) 16. Whichever (3) 17. Suffering (4) 19. Betting chances (4) 21. Linked (9) 23. Titfers (4) 24. Petrol, say (4) 26. Japanese monetary unit (3) 27. Hang on (4) 29. Weary (4) 32. Hollow (4) 33. Trite, commonplac­e (5) 34. Board a ship (6) 35. Binding (8) 36. Sculpted figure (6)


1. Explosive devices (5) 2. Unadorned (5) 3. Golfer’s warning (4) 4. Illegal burning (5) 5. Familiar idle talk (4) 6. Cleans feathers (6) 9. Prairie wolf (6) 11. Torn cloth (3) 12. Warehouse (5) 13. Advantage or sake (7) 15. Racket (3) 16. Append (3) 18. Solution (6) 20. Fourth Greek letter (5) 21. Container (3) 22. Incision (3) 23. Recluse (6) 25. Underwear item (3) 28. Foot and leg joint (5) 30. Bring upon oneself (5) 31. Young eel (5) 32. Go rapidly (4) 33. Boast (4)

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