Bray People


- by Carlos O’Connor


March 21 – April 20

A bit of a scratchy attitude to others follows a dip in energy. The feeling that you just ‘cannot be bothered’ with some folk should not include your boss or colleagues. That way damage can easily be done. Being honest at home may also see you dodging barbs, but that will pass. Someone who slips quietly out of your social circle may not be missed. Some things happen naturally. Your Luck: Something that you see in a movie strikes a chord.


July 23 – August 23

Be adventurou­s without being risky. It is really important that when sending mail or chatting on the phone you stick to the facts. Someone takes quite seriously something that you consider trivial or even funny. Your opinion may change when the full picture emerges. Sounds serious? Not really, but do be kind. A helping hand can be just the thing. Your Luck: A weekend of romance sheds the stress.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

Everyone has their opinion. They intend to let you know it, too! That is clear enough as the week progresses. Still, there is no need to look for allies or backup. It is true that you know what you want to happen. Determinat­ion and a show of leadership will soon settle the matter. At the weekend you are strongest. This is a good time to persuade a loved one on your plan. Highlight the ‘up’ side. Your Luck: Show your hand when it comes to romance.

Taurus April 21 – May 21

Someone who is well known for their passionate attitude crosses your path this week. Before you say anything, think. Not everyone sees the funny side. Could a comment be taken in the wrong way? Avoid discussing secrets or spreading rumours but keep that smile fired up. You feel anything but dull, and a sparky attitude to your love life can be very inspiring to your partner! Your Luck: Bringing out a sense of fun flips your mood.


August 24 – September 23

An agreement that you made with someone close a few years ago may not seem to be working: a bit of a disappoint­ment, for sure. Rather than give up on it though, get chatting and come to a compromise. Flexibilit­y is your best friend this week, which is not a time to make sudden and startling changes. A little give and take can make a fluid arrangemen­t work. Your Luck: Getting on well with others pays dividends.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

Lack of energy as the week begins soon changes to a determinat­ion to get things moving. Maybe you get some backup or delegate a thing or two, something that you maybe don’t do enough. Certainly using your charm and looking for sympathy should see you through. Have you perfected that ‘puppy dog’ look? A bit of luck at the weekend sees your mood and your prospects brighten. Your Luck: Why not get the sympathy vote?

Gemini May 22 – June 21

Feeling confident that your charm will get you what you want this week? Maybe, but choose your words very carefully. What you see as a light-hearted matter may be very serious to someone else. Check out anything you are told to do with your finances. Are you covered twice on an insurance deal? Certainly you need to pay heed to that small print. Save by comparing. Your Luck: Being sharp with cash this week will save a bundle.


September 24 – October 23

You come to something of a crossroads this week. Are you sometimes wishing that there were three of you? I know the feeling, but a choice has to be made. All you have to do really is take the tried and tested option. It may seem a dull choice but you know that it works! Ask for what you want at the weekend and you may even get it! Your Luck: Bring out that cheeky grin to impress.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

A slow start as the week begins makes for impatience. Be picky about how you spend your limited energy and avoid distractio­ns if you have promised to get a job done. It is more important to someone than you realise. In any case, keeping a promise shows how much you value the relationsh­ip. Yes, some things can wait, but not this. Your Luck: Talk can be cheap but make yours valuable.

Cancer June 22 – July 22

Taking a positive attitude today can bring someone out of the doldrums. Maybe they feel neglected? You don’t need to find solutions to problems, just offer the possibilit­ies. It’s amazing what a little sympathy can do! Something that you want to do on the home front could get some opposition. Just back off and bring the subject up at some other time. Maybe in a few weeks? Your Luck: There is a cheekiness about you. Very appealing!


October 24 – November 22

Even though you may be in a light-hearted mood, there is something you need to concentrat­e on midweek. It is not as trivial as it seems. Not taking what a loved one wants seriously could cause ructions. Still, if there’s something you want, could this be the time to ask for it? Be optimistic about a new plan at the weekend. Give it a chance and know you’ve done your best. Your Luck: Enthusiasm is contagious. Spread a little.

Pisces February 20 – March 20

As the week begins a lack of action may lead to frustratio­n as an ambitious plan slows down. Patience is needed. Even as you get to midweek the pace quickens. Don’t expect too much too soon or disappoint­ment could follow. Trust your instincts at the weekend when in a romantic situation. Again, don’t expect too much too quickly. Impatience can be good, but not here.

Your Luck: Distract yourself with a difficult task.

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