Bray People

Don’t let stress rule your life


DO you suffer with stress? I find it surprising how many people think they’re not stressed, when they actually are. I think the reason for this is that traditiona­lly stress is seen as weakness, someone pulling their hair out, or not coping with what’s going on in their lives. But stress can be more silent than that. You don’t have to be pulling your hair out, crying or screaming to be under stress.

Stress happens any time that your adrenalin is pumping, for example: sitting in traffic behind a slow car, waiting for news of medical issues, studying for exams, waiting for exam results, or any time you have too much on your plate. Even when you’re under pressure to reach deadlines for work, or getting to appointmen­ts on time your adrenalin will be pumping.

Stress in itself is not bad, it’s our own response to it, and how we react and deal with stress that is causing the problem.

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