Bray People

2-Speed Crossword



Across 6. Striking contests? (7) 7. Fix limits to jump (5) 9. It is done in protracted ways (3) 10. Interrupti­on in distress brings collapse (9) 12. He was pipped at the post as many let short time slip (5,6) 15. Happy girl holds ball? (5,3,3) 17. Impress with peculiar deed - put herd into panic (9) 19. Hint it may need chalk at the end of 20 (3) 21. Agencies that give me help in return (5) 22. Lack of water should be seen by doctor (7) Down 1. When soldiers are on the move? (5) 2. Being very cold, it would need merely adding in fairness (3) 3. Beast of burden? (4) 4. Man wielding baton could carry shocking force (9) 5. New unit to unravel (7) 8. Presumably what he breeds is on the up and up (6) 11. Letters under union ban? It’s a crime! (9) 13. Make less harsh sibilant frequently (6) 14. Laurel is bare, yet changed (3-4) 16. Just claim of Conservati­ves (5) 18. Republic shows anger with the orient (4) 20. Hint taken by striking player (3)

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