Bray People



Are you a mature student thinking about going to college?

Choose carefully:

Choose what you will enjoy studying and check which college suits your needs best.

Work on technology:

It is important to get up to speed with the use of word, excel, powerpoint and become comfortabl­e using email and social media.

Organise your finances: Plan well in advance otherwise you will run into trouble quickly

Develop a study pattern: Try to allocate a place and time to study each day.

Manage your time: As we get older, the demands of daily life bring the unexpected. Try to work ahead to have some time for emergency situations.

Bring your family and friends with you: As you go, explain what you are doing and the impact this might have on your commitment­s. It’s time to call in favours!

Read handbooks carefully: In every college, every courses/subject has some form of a handbook.

Make the most of your time at college: Attend everything and participat­e.

Get involved: Fitting in socially can be difficult particular­ly as a mature student. Colleges have clubs and societies with events organised to help you make the transition. Step out of your comfort zone by following your interest rather than your age and you will be surprised what you might enjoy.

Manage your learning: It is important to un- derstand the academic demands of your course of study. Take control and ownership from the beginning.

Believe in your own ability: You got this far, now make it happen.

Seek help: This is available whether you get into social, personal or academic difficulty.

Remember the academic year is short. Make it work for you.

Catherine O’Connor, Trinity College Dublin, Education Consultant and Author of ‘Cracking the College Code’ A practical guide to making the most of the first year college experience. Available at all good bookshops and at:www. crackingth­ecollegeco­

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