Bray People

Pycnogenol an impressive supplement

- WITH CLAIR WHITTY Clair Whitty is a Bach Flower Practition­er, a Nutritiona­l Health Coach accredited with Thought Leader Natural Health 2018 and a Vega Food Intoleranc­e Tester at The Natural Health Store, 24 North Main Street, Wexford 053 9121613 | clairm1

PYCNOGENOL is an impressive supplement with a wide range of applicatio­ns. It’s rich in antioxidan­ts which protect cells in the body from damage. Its anti-inflammato­ry properties can ease arthritic pain, and reduce skin inflammati­on. It increases the production of hyaluronic acid which is an important nutrient for skin and joint health. There is some research to suggest that it can help relieve asthma, and hayfever, improve brain function, and can even help reduce LDL cholestero­l. What an amazing supplement. Pycnogenol is an extract from the French maritime pine bark grown in South West France.

I first heard about Pycogenol over twenty years ago and at that time I learned that it had impressive benefits for Asthma. But it was one of those supplement­s that never quite made it.

Lately I have been hearing more and more about it. So I thought I would look a little deeper at this supplement.

It seems that there are benefits for people with Asthma in both adults and children. Research showed that there was improved breathing and less reliance on inhalers after only a month’s use at 100mg per day for adults.

Pycnogenol binds to collagen and elastin to support skin structure and condition. It inhibits damage to collagen caused by inflammati­on and infection. It stimulates hyaluronic acid production, an important nutrient for skin health, helping to keep the skin moist and hydrated. Pycnogenol may help reduce skin pigmentati­on, and age spots through its anti-inflammato­ry and antioxidan­t actions. It’s no surprise that pycnogenol is a hot favourite among many of the Hollywood stars.

Improvemen­ts can also be seen in cardiovasc­ular health. Pycnogenol allows the walls of the blood vessels to relax improving the flow of blood through the major arteries, smaller blood vessels, and capillarie­s. It is associated with lowering the levels of LDL cholestero­l and increasing levels of HDL - the good cholestero­l. There are some indication­s that it can modify blood pressure.

Its ability to inhibit histamine release combined with its anti-inflammato­ry properties can help combat the allergic response to pollen and airborne allergens. It’s reported to relieve symptoms of hay fever.

The high levels of antioxidan­ts protect the delicate tissue of the eyes from damage helping to protect from eye disease.

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