Bray People

Easy Crossword



5. Land measure (4)

7. Given to fighting (10)

8. Ring of light (4)

10. This place (4)

12. Shade of colour (3)

13. Phases (6)

16. Outline map (5)

18. Levy (3)

20. Place, location (4)

21. Weak or unconvinci­ng (4)

22. Rowing blade (3)

24. Easily bribed or corrupted (5)

25. Turn up (6)

26. Also (3)

27. Go by (4) 29. Compositio­n for two (4) 33. Providenti­al (6-4) 34. Hereditary unit (4)


1. Purchase (3)

2. Formerly (4)

3. Skin problem (4)

4. Dove’s call (3)

5. Cigarette deposit (3)

6. Governs (5)

9. Card game (5)

10. Blustering bully (6)

11. Dine (3)

13. Cooker (5)

14. Festive occasion (4)

15. Extols (6)

17. Perceive sound (4)

19. Warehouse (5)

23. Rend (3)

25. Shade of blue (5)

27. Jetty (4)

28. Cummerbund (4)

30. Definite article (3)

31. Not good (3)

32. Writing fluid (3)

 ??  ??

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