Business Plus



ACTIVITY Business exceeded expectatio­ns in 2021, especially considerin­g the external environmen­t. The services most in demand are strategic communicat­ions, public affairs, cause-related campaignin­g and public informatio­n lead campaignin­g, and communicat­ions on ESG.

PR OBJECTIVES The essential elements of a successful communicat­ions strategy are audiences, context, intended outcomes (goals and objectives), key messages, selected mediums for the messages and a tactical plan that delivers.

EVENTS There is a lot of pent-up demand for in-person events but equally people are more in tune with their own needs emerging from the pandemic. They will only attend events where they see a real value to being there, and an occasion or event that is likely

‘A lot of businesses have been jolted into growth’

to engage them personally. Naturally, this reality will lead to some displaceme­nt, as there are events and gatherings that are more suited to the virtual environmen­t.

OUTLOOK I think clients are excited to embrace the new normal. Increased health awareness, thriving e-commerce markets, better appreciati­on of what a digital world has to offer, and increased considerat­ion of ESG, are all themes that have unlocked opportunit­y for many. A lot of businesses have been jolted into growth and our clients are broadly positive about the post-pandemic realities and poised for increased investment in communicat­ions.

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