Business Plus

EY Law Ireland

EY is Ireland’s only global and multidisci­plinary profession­al services firm to offer a law firm as part of its client offering. Alan Murphy, Head of Law, explains the unique propositio­n


EY Law Ireland offers expertise from multiple jurisdicti­ons across the EY network, which is made up of over 150 countries worldwide. The EY Law service in Ireland expands on and seamlessly integrates with our already expansive service offering across tax, strategy and transactio­ns, assurance, and consulting.

While unique to Ireland, this form of streamline­d service offering via separate law firm is rapidly becoming the norm in other jurisdicti­ons. Indeed, it could be said that Ireland is a late developer in this regard. I firmly believe that this is part of the future of law, a future that will see it develop in tandem and in concert with other profession­al services discipline­s such as accountanc­y, taxation, and consulting.


This is clearly where clients want to see it going. Profession­al services firms need to continuall­y evolve in order to stay relevant and ahead of client demand. Streamlini­ng our offerings and creating efficienci­es while consistent­ly providing the highest level of service and advice is an imperative.

Clients want to be able to go to a single provider to access the full range of services. Of course, EY Law Ireland is a separate entity to EY Ireland, but we will work very closely together to deliver the integrated service offering our clients are seeking.

For example, an internatio­nal company locating in Ireland can come to EY Law for intellectu­al property, tax, corporate structure, and real estate advice — all under one roof. And with Irish organisati­ons facing an increasing­ly complex legal and regulatory environmen­t, we will be in the vanguard when it comes to helping our clients to navigate their existing and emerging business issues.

It’s also profession­ally enriching for lawyers, accountant­s, and consultant­s to work together. We come from different background­s and have different training processes. That allows us to bring different perspectiv­es and approaches to the same problem and ultimately deliver a much more holistic and superior service to clients.

Although we only started up in October 2021, we have already establishe­d strong teams in four practice areas — commercial real estate, employment law, technology, and commercial, and corporate and M&A restructur­ing. We are now building our energy and sustainabi­lity, and financial services teams. We are very focused on our strategy of building out these strategica­lly important teams as quickly as we can.

We now have 12 lawyers, and we plan to grow to 50 by 2025 and we already have a presence in Dublin, Cork and Galway. That geographic­al spread is very important to us and we see it as a positive differenti­ator to what else is out there. Also, the virtual world and the learnings of the last two years enables service integratio­n across different offices in ways that wasn’t previously possible.


I’m incredibly excited about our plans for the future, and I’m proud to be part of a firm with such a strong vision and ambitious growth plans. By connecting the right people in the right places with technology-driven workflows and senior legal advisory services, I believe our service is truly unique.

As we continue to build out the practice, our focus will remain firmly on working closely with clients and colleagues across local and global EY teams. We continue to actively recruit senior lawyers with relevant sectoral experience to build out our exceptiona­l team of legal profession­als and I’m confident we will meet the evolving needs of our clients, now and into the future.

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 ?? ?? EY Law Ireland team members (l-r) Adam Synnott, Mairead Finlay, Alan Murphy and Deirdre Malone
EY Law Ireland team members (l-r) Adam Synnott, Mairead Finlay, Alan Murphy and Deirdre Malone
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