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Knowledge Sharing with the United Nations Food and Agricultur­e Organisati­on


Origin Green, Ireland’s food and drink sustainabi­lity programme, is focused on making a measurable difference to drive sustainabi­lity across the entire food supply chain and on a national scale.

The Director-General of the Food and Agricultur­e Organisati­on (FAO) of the United Nations, Qu Dongyu, accompanie­d by his senior officials and representa­tives from the Department of Agricultur­e, Food and Marine, recently visited the new Bord Bia Global Hub in Ballsbridg­e, Dublin, to learn more about how the Irish food, drink, and horticultu­re sector is driving the sustainabi­lity agenda enabled by the Origin Green programme. During a breakfast meeting, the Director-General met Bord Bia’s outgoing CEO Tara McCarthy, Interim CEO Michael Murphy, Director of Origin Green and Quality Assurance, Deirdre Ryan, and some representa­tives from Origin Green member companies.

The Director-General received an overview of the Origin Green programme from Deirdre Ryan, where she highlighte­d how “Origin Green measures the footprint of our farming and food production, and feeds back practical advice and knowledge to farmers and producers to improve sustainabi­lity”. In his discussion­s with the group, the Director-General praised the partnershi­p approach of the Origin Green programme that has been key to driving the ambition of Origin Green to prove and improve the sustainabi­lity of the Irish food, drink, and horticultu­re sectors. The discussion between the Irish industry group and the DirectorGe­neral and his delegation had a strong focus on Ireland’s Food Vision 2030, a landmark strategy for the Irish agri-food sector that aims to transform Ireland’s agricultur­e, food, forestry, and marine sectors in the period to 2030. The strategy will expand the ambition of Origin Green and accelerate Bord Bia’s progress in fostering a thriving agri-food sector that is responsive to the future needs of people and our planet.

“Ireland's Food Vision 2030 and the FAO Strategic Framework 2022-2031 have much in common. I look forward to continuing our close collaborat­ion and knowledge sharing, as we work towards the transforma­tion to more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainabl­e agri-food systems,” stated the Director-General.


The FAO delegation also travelled to the Orchard Centre in Wicklow, an Origin Green dairy farm, where farmer Joe Hayden described his family’s farming legacy and its commitment to continuous sustainabl­e food production, while explaining Ireland’s unique grass-based dairy production system.

The Director-General was impressed to find out about sustainabi­lity practices at farm level and how Irish farmers are taking action to generate sustainabi­lity for generation­s to come. The Director-General said that he was looking forward to sharing the insights received during his visit with over 140 FAO members globally as best practice within the industry.

“We can produce food in an environmen­tally friendly way without harming local communitie­s. To make agri-food systems more sustainabl­e, we must ensure that all actors along the value chain have access to research, training, and agricultur­al innovation. Ireland has a wealth of knowledge to offer,” he stated. Like the FAO, Origin Green is in a unique position to contribute directly to the achievemen­t of several United Nations Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals. Currently, the Origin Green programme aligns with 15 of the 17 goals.

TO FIND OUT MORE Visit Origin Green www.origingree­

 ?? ?? Qu Dongyu (front, centre), Director General of FAO, visited the Bord Bia Global Hub to learn about Origin Green’s sustainabi­lity agenda
Qu Dongyu (front, centre), Director General of FAO, visited the Bord Bia Global Hub to learn about Origin Green’s sustainabi­lity agenda

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