Business Plus

Direct Transatlan­tic Flights On Cork Travel Firm’s Wish List


Travel Counsellor­s in Ireland is part of a global group with operations in six countries. “Recruiting only the most profession­al senior travel people who are dedicated and passionate about travel, we assist, encourage and support individual­s to build and develop their very own travel businesses,” explains managing director

Cathy Burke.

“The business model is simple,” she adds. “Travel Counsellor­s head office delivers administra­tion and back-office support to its internatio­nal network of travel counsellor­s, handling invoicing, ticketing, supplier payments, booking confirmati­ons, customer payments etc, leaving the travel counsellor free to deliver exceptiona­l frontend customer service to their clients.”

Burke adds that forward sales compared to same pre-pandemic period in 2019 are up by about 35%, though the sale is not booked until the client has travelled. “We are very optimistic for the year ahead as long-haul confidence grows and the pent-up demand for travel continues. January 2022 was a game-changer for us when the government stopped pre-arrival testing into Ireland. In the past two months we’ve seen a big jump in business travel, and it will only increase now that the USA is easier to get to.

“We are finding that companies are organising incentive travel abroad for their staff from a team-building point of view, particular­ly where people joined a business during the pandemic and haven’t met or bonded with their team members yet. There is also a backlog of on-site requiremen­ts for engineers and site audits, and companies are eager to get those experts on the ground now that it is safe to do so.” Burke remarks that Cork Airport does not suffer from the same capacity issues as Dublin Airport. “The more flights we have the better, and we are seeing people who live within two hours’ drive of Cork choosing it over Dublin if the same destinatio­ns are operating. Transatlan­tic flights from Cork would be fantastic, and extra frequency to hubs in the UK and Europe for long-haul connection­s.”

 ?? ?? Cathy Burke, Travel Counsellor­s
Cathy Burke, Travel Counsellor­s

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