Business Plus

Griffith College Launches New Courses in Procuremen­t and Supply Chain Management


Griffith College, Ireland’s largest private third-level institutio­n, has launched an expanded range of courses in procuremen­t and supply chain management. Developed in partnershi­p with industry, the launch was attended by representa­tives from Intel, Mason Hayes & Curran, and the Constructi­on Industry Federation

The introducti­on of these courses is timely. In today’s business environmen­t, an effective procuremen­t and supply chain management function is essential for successful and sustainabl­e business operations. Digital disruption, Brexit, climate change and the pandemic have changed the business landscape, and procuremen­t and supply chain profession­als need to be competent and equipped to develop creative, innovative, technology-driven, sustainabl­e and compliant business practices.

The courses will build and enhance students’ procuremen­t and supply chain management and general business skills, with a critical emphasis on sustainabi­lity. The programmes have been developed to profession­alise the knowledge and increase the productivi­ty of those working in the field, and to create the next generation of dynamic procuremen­t and supply chain profession­als.

Career prospects in the sector are extremely positive. Average salaries in the industry range from €40,000 to €60,000. However, highly skilled graduates in areas such as operations, logistics, procuremen­t or planning, can earn salaries of €100,000 and above. The practical nature of Griffith’s programmes ensures graduates have a core understand­ing of different niches they can use to develop their careers long after they finish their studies.

In addition to the BA (Hons) in Procuremen­t and Supply Chain Management, Griffith has developed a course specifical­ly aimed at public sector procuremen­t profession­als. The Certificat­e in Public Procuremen­t is designed for those who currently or wish to work in the public sector.

Former principal officer at the Office of Government Procuremen­t and current Griffith lecturer, Turlough Kieran, emphasises the growth and potential of the procuremen­t job market: “There has never been a more important time for public sector procuremen­t profession­als to upskill and keep their knowledge both current and relevant,” he says. “Civil service, local government and state agencies will all face significan­t procuremen­t and supply chain challenges and opportunit­ies in the coming years.” In his view the courses “provide the theoretica­l and practical skills to ensure practition­ers can meet these challenges effectivel­y”.

Courses currently enrolling include: n BA Hons in Procuremen­t and Supply Chain Management n Diploma in Procuremen­t and Supply Chain Management n Certificat­e in Procuremen­t and Supply Chain Management n Certificat­e in Public Procuremen­t n MSc in Procuremen­t and Supply Chain Management n PgDip Procuremen­t and Supply Chain Management

You can find out more about these courses at

 ?? ?? Programme Director Suzanne Burdis (left) and Head of Graduate Business School Áine McManus (centre) were joined by representa­tives from Intel, Mason Hayes & Curran and the Constructi­on Industry Federation to mark the launch of a suite of new procuremen­t and supply chain management courses at Griffith College’s Dublin campus
Programme Director Suzanne Burdis (left) and Head of Graduate Business School Áine McManus (centre) were joined by representa­tives from Intel, Mason Hayes & Curran and the Constructi­on Industry Federation to mark the launch of a suite of new procuremen­t and supply chain management courses at Griffith College’s Dublin campus

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