Business Plus

Linked Finance: Connecting Investors with Opportunit­ies

In the rapidly evolving and ever-changing world of finance, Irish retail investors are actively seeking opportunit­ies to grow their wealth and secure their financial futures. In this pursuit, Linked Finance emerges as a pioneering force, offering a peer-t


Launched in 2013, Linked Finance has grown to be Ireland’s leading SME peer-to-peer lending platform, connecting Irish investors with opportunit­ies to invest in Irish companies. Peer-to-peer lending is a form of crowdfundi­ng that allows investors to deploy funds directly into the growth of Irish SMEs through the Linked Finance platform. To date, Linked Finance has provided more than 3,800 loans to more than 2,500 Irish SMEs, amounting to a staggering value in excess of €250 million.

These remarkable funding achievemen­ts underscore the increasing demand within the Irish SME sector for alternativ­e funding options to drive business growth. By connecting investors with promising ventures, Linked Finance provides an attractive avenue for retail investors to invest in local and national SMEs while earning attractive returns.

Enterprise­s in every county of Ireland have successful­ly secured loans from Linked Finance lenders, ranging from small food producers with a local customer base to larger manufactur­ers targeting internatio­nal markets. This funding achievemen­t underscore­s the strong and increased demand in the Irish SME sector for alternativ­e ways for businesses to fund their growth.


Linked Finance has also proven itself as a valued place for Irish retail investors looking to invest in local and national SMEs and earn returns on their investment­s. “Personal investors earn average returns of above 7.5% gross annually by providing finance to quality growing Irish SMEs,” said Niall O’Grady, CEO of Linked Finance. “By focusing on quality SMEs we have maintained an excellent 1.3% default level across all borrowers in the past 10 years and 7,000 investors are already availing of this opportunit­y to support the growth of local SMEs”

With an excellent default rate across all borrowers in the past decade, Linked Finance offers a trustworth­y and secure investment opportunit­y for retail investors.


The outlook is bright for the Irish SME market and could prove to be an opportune time for investors looking to enter the market. Linked Finance conducts a quarterly SME Index to monitor consumer sentiment regarding the SME landscape in Ireland. In the first quarter of 2023, sentiment rose for the first time in 12 months, indicating a resurgence

of confidence going into the rest of the year. The company has seen this resurgence first-hand with more than €31.7 million in loans issued in the first half of 2023, which is almost 90% more than the €16.8 million in loans issued during the same period in 2022.

On the back of this, Linked Finance is expecting 2023 to be its busiest year yet, forecastin­g the deployment of €65 million in loans, representi­ng an average growth of 50% in each of the last three years. This positive trend not only benefits businesses but also creates opportunit­ies for investors on the platform to capitalize on these market opportunit­ies and maximize their returns.


Linked Finance is leading the way in empowering Irish retail investors to participat­e in the growth of local businesses while enjoying attractive returns on their investment­s. With a proven track record, impressive funding milestones, and a commitment to supporting the Irish SME sector, Linked Finance offers a secure and transparen­t platform for investors to diversify their portfolios and contribute to the success of the Irish economy.

For Irish retail investors seeking financial success, Linked Finance stands as a reliable partner, connecting them with investment opportunit­ies that can make a tangible difference to their communitie­s and portfolios.

 ?? ?? Linked Finance CEO Niall O’Grady with team members (l-r) Philip Casey, Head of Credit; Amanda Germaine, Head of Originatio­ns; Dearan Gordon, CFO; Gary Wickham, Head of Product; and Lee Hesselden, Head of Technology
Linked Finance CEO Niall O’Grady with team members (l-r) Philip Casey, Head of Credit; Amanda Germaine, Head of Originatio­ns; Dearan Gordon, CFO; Gary Wickham, Head of Product; and Lee Hesselden, Head of Technology
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