Business Plus


A practical understand­ing of domestic and EU legislatio­n is invaluable across all sectors. King’s Inns offers a broad range of Advanced Diploma courses catering to profession­als working in across many business sectors.


As Irish and EU law is constantly evolving, King’s Inns profession­al developmen­t courses provide a comprehens­ive and practical grounding across specialist areas of the law. Courses benefit both legal practition­ers and profession­als wishing to upskill or fill gaps key to their organisati­on’s goals. Completing an Advanced Diploma from Ireland’s renowned law school not only enables participan­ts to understand the law but can also help them achieve promotion or career progressio­n.

“Law should not just be left to lawyers to understand. It is a fundamenta­l part of any work practice today,” states Dr Eimear Brown, Dean of King’s Inns. “Law is for everyone, and the people who undertake our profession­al developmen­t courses are mostly profession­als with no background in law. They can be HR profession­als, data protection officers, planners, architects, engineers, IT experts, communicat­ion and marketing profession­als, teachers, accountant­s, doctors and nurses, self-employed people, directors from small and big companies. Our students come from all walks of life, living across Ireland and beyond, ranging in age from early twenties to over seventies.”


King’s Inns has over 15 Profession­al Developmen­t courses on offer for the coming year, including topics such as Planning and Environmen­tal Law, Public Procuremen­t Law and Mediation. “Some advanced diploma courses are of importance regardless of the sector concerned. After all, Data Protection Law and Applied Employment Law are areas that affect almost every business,” Dr Brown explains. “Media and Social Media Law is of increasing general importance in a society where nearly every business relies upon media for some aspect of its business.”

Other courses are of particular importance to those working in a specific field, including Medical Law, attended


by clinicians, hospital administra­tors and in-house counsel; Corporate, Regulatory and White Collar Crime, which is of particular interest to regulators, banking profession­als and law enforcemen­t; Immigratio­n and Asylum Law, attended by representa­tives of NGOs, social workers, and civil servants; and Law and Education, which attracts principals, teachers, and home school liaisons.


King’s Inns prioritise­s ease of accessibil­ity to its courses, which are currently offered through an easy-to-navigate online platform. Most courses are delivered online in a live interactiv­e format with only a couple of sessions that require attendance at King’s Inns, which offer the ability to facilitate round-table discussion­s and networking opportunit­ies. “Many of the profession­al developmen­t courses are designed with busy schedules in mind and offer classes either early in the morning, in the evenings or at weekends, with many sessions recorded for those unable to attend live online classes”, says Dr Brown.

Anyone interested in enhancing their career and in learning more about the law should have a look at their website,­plomas. King’s Inns is very proud of its courses, teaching teams and its diverse network of graduates, and believes that many people will find at least one of their courses useful for their continuing profession­al developmen­t.

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 ?? ?? Most King’s Inns Advanced Diploma courses are delivered online in a live interactiv­e format
Most King’s Inns Advanced Diploma courses are delivered online in a live interactiv­e format

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