Business Plus

At last – an industry-backed and Skillnet-funded tax qualificat­ion!


As recruitmen­t of profession­als in all tax categories continues to be in high demand, improving your tax credential­s can result in a range of commercial­ly interestin­g and diverse career opportunit­ies, including setting up your own tax consultanc­y practice. Griffith College, Ireland’s largest private third-level institutio­n, is delighted to offer the Postgradua­te Certificat­e in Advanced Taxation. This Skillnetfu­nded course is endorsed by industry partners and provides a specialise­d qualificat­ion in tax over a single semester.

Taxation is a highly technical and complex area which changes frequently and requires ongoing monitoring of policy. The course is drawn from Griffith College’s Graduate Business School acclaimed MSc in Accounting and Finance Management, and is designed to bridge the gap between tax knowledge and the applicatio­n of those key skills and competenci­es. The course is ideal for individual­s from a profession­al accountanc­y, financial planning, or legal background who want to upskill and develop specialise­d knowledge in all things tax.


Participan­ts will significan­tly extend their skills, knowledge, and client engagement rates in the increasing­ly complex domestic and global taxation environmen­t. Covering both Irish and Internatio­nal Tax, with an emphasis on the client relationsh­ip, this course develops both technical and legal know-how in taxation, augmented by the developmen­t of a wider strategic management mindset.

Paula Byrne, tax expert and lead lecturer behind the course, explains: “As we approach 50 years of tax education in Griffith College, it is very exciting to see this course commence. The combinatio­n of deep tax knowledge and profession­al service skills developmen­t addresses muchneeded employment skills and offers participan­ts exciting career pathways.”

This course utilises a highly practical approach and is taught by a lecturing team with outstandin­g industry experience, including Paula Byrne, Naomi Butler, Janette Maxwell of Grant Thornton, and John McLaughlin, barrister and expert tax adviser. The team also works closely

with high-profile industry partners to ensure participan­ts leave with the confidence to put their knowledge into practice.

The course comprises three modules:

■ Taxation (IRL)

■ Internatio­nal Tax Law

■ Business Consultanc­y


This course is delivered over a single semester through a mixture of live online evening classes and some in-person weekends. All online classes are recorded to accommodat­e participan­ts’ busy schedules. This blended delivery provides the perfect mix of opportunit­ies for flexible learning and on-campus networking and learning experience­s. The course is validated by Quality and Qualificat­ions Ireland as a level 9 award on the Irish National Framework of Qualificat­ions.

Next Level Skillnet funding is available for companies who support their employees to undertake this course and who meet the eligibilit­y criteria. This funding will cover 40% of the fee cost for participat­ing companies.

To apply for the programme please visit or contact for more informatio­n.

 ?? ?? The course is ideal for individual­s from a profession­al accountanc­y, financial planning, or legal background
The course is ideal for individual­s from a profession­al accountanc­y, financial planning, or legal background

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