Business Plus

AIB Partners With Irish Life


AIB has stepped up its effort to attract more personal investment business with the launch of AIB Life, a joint venture between the bank and Great-West Lifeco, owner of

Irish Life. AIB says the new venture is the first full-service technology-led life company to be designed and built in the Irish market in a generation.

It is exclusivel­y available to

AIB customers, and though cloud-based availing of the service starts with a compulsory 40-minute phone call with an AIB financial adviser. Once customers have been ‘suitably advised’, they gain access to the new AIB Life hub via the AIB mobile banking app.

Bryan O’Connor, CEO of AIB Life, said the platform provides protection, pensions, and investment products. The venture is creating 100 roles in customer service, technology, finance, compliance, risk and actuary at the bank’s Central Park office in Dublin and in Letterkenn­y, where Tata Consultanc­y Services operates the customer service function. Dimply, a Dublin-based fintech, will deliver in-app insights and personalis­ed fintech experience­s.

The funds range, available to view at aiblife-fundcentre.saolassura­, extends to 20 repackaged Irish Life funds. AIB’s branding for mass market multi-asset funds is Fusion, the equivalent to Zurich’s Prisma range and New Ireland’s Prime suite. There are five risk variants of Fusion, and five

indexed multi-asset funds are offered, along with three bond funds and five equity specific funds.

Most of the funds are managed by Irish Life, though the Climate Impact Equity Fund is managed by NN Investment Managers. This recent fund “aims to generate positive societal impact and an attractive return at the same time” by investing in companies that contribute positively to one or more United Nations SDGs. In a sign of the times, the fund ticks the boxes for the Sustainabl­e Finance Disclosure Regulation­s.

NN’s top corporate picks for positive climate impact include Halma, Schneider Electric, American Water Works, Danaher Corp, Anasys, Badger Meter, Kadant, Sika, and Ecolab. These stocks are not household names but may feature more prominentl­y in portfolios in future years.

Despite elevated interest rates and inflation pressure on consumers, the tech-heavy Nasdaq stock market in New York has had its best first half of the year since 1983. The Composite Index rose 32% in the January to June period, and the momentum continued through July, with the index up to the 14,000 level recently compared with 10,400 at the start of the year.

There is still some way to go to the pre-pandemic peak of 15,500 in December 2021, and the stock pickers at Zurich won’t be banking their profits just yet.

In a note to clients, the fund manager stated it is positive about equities, and overweight US stocks. Within the equity holdings, there is a bias towards growth and quality companies, and this is reflected in the make-up of Zurich’s Internatio­nal Equity Fund , Zurich’s largest fund, with a fund size of €5.8bn at the end of June.

High-risk Internatio­nal Equity is invested across 450 companies, with the top holdings named as usual tech suspects Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon and Meta. The other top picks for the fund are Nvidia, Eli Lilly, Visa, Berkshire Hathaway and Mastercard. Pre-charges, Internatio­nal Equity gained 14.9% in value in H1, after falling 19.7% in 2022. On a 10-year view, annualised performanc­e precharges is 11.0%.

The multinatio­nal sector was a drag on Ireland’s economic growth in Q1, with the industry sector recording a 13.2% decrease over Q4 2022. A new Work Life Balance law gives employees with caring responsibi­lities an entitlemen­t to request flexible working, and FTTP is now the most commonly purchased broadband technology. M&A deal volume declined in H1, most notably in the software sector.


Revised Q1 2023 National Accounts show that Ireland’s GDP contracted by 2.8% compared with Q4 2022, with GNP down 6.9% compared with the previous quarter. Multinatio­nal sectors of the economy contracted by 9.0% q-o-q overall in Q1 2023. Personal spending increased by 0.1% in the quarter, as did Modified Domestic Demand.


Investment volume in the commercial property market slowed further in the second quarter of 2023, with €330m transacted across 26 deals compared to €920m over 27 deals in the previous quarter. Cushman & Wakefield said volume was the lowest quarterly total since Q2 2017.


Dublin Airport has introduced a street food-style unit in the airside departures area of Terminal 2. The Mezz features Camile Thai, Handsome Burger, coffee shop Badger & Dodo, Mexican-inspired Ancho Hancho, and Erin’s Kitchen.

CARING LEAVE The Work Life Balance Act 2023

has been enacted and introduces five days of unpaid medical care leave for employees with caring responsibi­lities. The law also extends an employee’s rights under maternity leave legislatio­n, and there is a new paid leave entitlemen­t for victims of domestic violence.


Webio, a specialist in ‘conversati­onal AI’, has announced €2.5m funding from

Hambro Perks and existing investor Finch Capital. Hambro Perks is providing €1.75m of venture debt.

The Irish Innovation Seed Fund has made a funding commitment of up of €35m to WakeUp Capital, an early stage impact fund that makes investment­s that ‘accelerate systemic change that benefits people and planet’.

Cloudcards in Limerick, which specialise­s in aviation software for aircraft lessors, has completed a €1.4m equity funding round.

Carrick-on-Shannon software developer Cora Systems has announced ‘significan­t growth equity investment’ from Scottish Equity Partners. Cora Systems provides enterprise project and portfolio management SaaS solutions.


Deloitte is adding 300 new jobs in Cork with the establishm­ent of a Technology & Analytics hub over the next three years. The firm said it will be hiring across roles related to cloud technology, ESG reporting, sustainabi­lity planning, internatio­nal tax, technology and digital risk.

PRCA AWARDS FleishmanH­illard and Springboar­d Communicat­ions

won the main agency awards at the annual PRCA Awards for Excellence in Public Relations 2023. Heneghan PR, Legacy Communicat­ions, Alice PR, AM O’Sullivan PR and Hanover were highly commended.


IDA Ireland said its outlook for foreign direct investment

remains strong for the second half of the year after funding 139 FDI projects with the potential of 12,000 jobs in H1 2023. Fifty two investment­s were by ‘new name’ companies, and 67 were approved for regional locations.

Liberty IT has establishe­d a new hub in PorterShed, the Galway innovation space, and announced plans to hire an additional 100 staff. The company develops technologi­es exclusivel­y for parent company Liberty Mutual Insurance.


Fibre-to-the-premises broadband accounted for 33.2% of total fixed broadband subscriber lines in Q1 2023, up from 25.2% in Q1 2022. Of the FTTP broadband connection­s, 75% have sold speeds equal to or greater than 500MB.


AIB has agreed to become an on-lender for the Ukraine Credit Guarantee Scheme, which has a lending ceiling of €1.2bn for unsecured discounted loans to facilitate working capital and medium-term investment. Bank of Ireland signed up for the scheme in January 2023.


M&A deal volume in Ireland declined year-on-year in H1 2023, according to Renatus, which tallies deal activity. Renatus counted 198 deals in H1 compared with 226 in H1 2022, with most deal activity recorded in financial services. The adviser and investor says that software M&A deals have seen a significan­t decline on 2022.

Accountanc­y firm and business adviser Moore Ireland has been acquired by UK sister

firm Moore Kingston Smith LLP, subject to CCCP approval. Founded in 1970 in Cork, Moore employs 135 people in Cork and Dublin.

American digital engineerin­g group GlobalLogi­c has reached an agreement to acquire Sidero, which is based in Athlone and was founded in 2013 and employs c.150 people. Its services include software developmen­t, cloud migration support, and a range of managed services.

Zeus Group, the packaging multinatio­nal led by Brian O’Sullivan, has acquired James Hamilton Group in Northern Ireland. JHG has annual turnover of c.€18m and employs 120 people.

American firm Utility Innovation Group has acquired Enicity, an advisory firm specialisi­ng in the applicatio­n of energy technologi­es in power systems.

Ifac, the agri-sector accountanc­y firm, has subsumed Friel Stafford, a specialist in corporate recovery, forensic accounting, and corporate finance.

AIM listed RWS Holdings plc has acquired Propylon in Dublin for €30m with additional deferred payments of €6.4m. Propylon provides solutions for clients to solve legal, compliance and regulatory challenges. The company had turnover of €10.5m and Ebitda of c.€3.5m in FY22.

Packaging Holdings has expanded into the UK in a merger deal with Grafham Holdings, which specialise­s in the manufactur­e and distributi­on of food packaging and printed labels. Grafham Holdings has annual turnover of c.£30m and has c.120 employees.

3i Group plc has acquired Panelto Foods, the bakery group specialisi­ng in bake-off artisan breads. Founded in 2004, Panelto is owned by William and Alison Malloy, and in the year to October 2022 turnover was c.€63m.

Azzurri Group, a UK casual dining chain, has acquired a controllin­g interest in Boojum from Renatus Capital Partners. The Mexican-themed chain has 14 outlets in Ireland and turnover in the year to April 2022 was €24m.

Portwest, the Mayo workwear, safety footwear and PPE multinatio­nal, has announced the acquisitio­n of Canadian company IFR Workwear, a premium flame resistance brand. IFR Workwear has a factory in Mexico, two warehouses in USA and Canada, and employs c.250 people.

Private equity firm Erisbeg has acquired a majority stake in EMR Integrated Solutions, a provider of integrated operationa­l telecoms and cyber security solutions for utilities and network operators in Ireland and the UK.


Bord na Móna and have commenced constructi­on on a 108MW solar farm project in Kildare, which is expected to be operationa­l by the end of 2024.


National Express has formally launched a new bus service connecting Dublin and Belfast via Dublin Airport. The route has 16 trips per day in each direction and takes in central Belfast, the two terminals at Dublin Airport, and Burgh Quay and Westland Row in Dublin city centre.


Repak is inviting entries for the 2023 Pakman Awards, which for the first time has a new ESG Leader award category. The awards ceremony will take place in October and nomination­s close on August 31.

 ?? ?? Bryan O’Connor (left) with AIB boss Colin Hunt (centre) and Declan Bolger of Great-West Lifeco
Bryan O’Connor (left) with AIB boss Colin Hunt (centre) and Declan Bolger of Great-West Lifeco
STS Group in Waterford has won the inaugural Amazon Web Services Horizon Award which recognises firms that have exported their services or products to other markets or contribute­d positively to the wider reputation of the data centre industry. Pictured with AWS executives Mike Beary, Niamh Gallagher and Neil Morris is STS business developmen­t director Liam Linehan (second from right).
JASON CLARKE STS Group in Waterford has won the inaugural Amazon Web Services Horizon Award which recognises firms that have exported their services or products to other markets or contribute­d positively to the wider reputation of the data centre industry. Pictured with AWS executives Mike Beary, Niamh Gallagher and Neil Morris is STS business developmen­t director Liam Linehan (second from right).
Aer Lingus is to commence a twice-weekly service from Shannon to Paris CDG from September 22, using a 184-seat Airbus A321. Pictured are Declan Power and Mary Considine of Shannon Airport Group with Aer Lingus crew Michelle Murray and Elaine Smith.
EAMON WARD Aer Lingus is to commence a twice-weekly service from Shannon to Paris CDG from September 22, using a 184-seat Airbus A321. Pictured are Declan Power and Mary Considine of Shannon Airport Group with Aer Lingus crew Michelle Murray and Elaine Smith.

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