Business Plus

Bord na Móna


Bord na Móna adopted its Brown to Green strategy in 2018, at a time when peat harvesting was central to the company’s profitabil­ity and viability. By 2020, the company had ceased peat harvesting and was transition­ing to becoming a Climate Solutions company. 2020 was also a seminal year for corporate ESG policy and law making, as the EU Green Deal was formally launched and the legislativ­e process for the new Corporate Sustainabi­lity Reporting Directive (CSRD) was commenced.

Bord na Móna is now focused on closely aligning its business and sustainabi­lity strategies, and testament to this, over 90% of the company’s capital expenditur­e is eligible to be classified as ‘activities that make a substantia­l contributi­on to climate change adaptation’, according to the company’s latest update.

This investment is already having a tangible impact, with 95% of the electricit­y the company produces to come from renewables by 2024. Bord na Móna is on track to become the leading supplier of green electricit­y in Ireland, and this year saw the achievemen­t of a significan­t milestone for the company, as over 1 Terawatt Hour (1 million Megawatt hours) of electricit­y was generated from renewable energy sources.

According to Dr John MacNamara, Corporate Sustainabi­lity Lead at Bord na Móna: “It is easy to underestim­ate the paradigm shift that the EU Green Deal is striving towards — the delivery of the first climate neutral continent by 2050, with near term targets of a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

“EU policy-makers recognise that private finance and business will be important in delivering this transition, and have legislated accordingl­y, including the Sustainabl­e Finance Disclosure Regulation, the Taxonomy Regulation and the CSRD. This is where many companies will see an impact as ESG reporting and related disclosure­s become mandatory for the first time.”

Bord na Móna has put in place robust processes in anticipati­on of this new reporting regime, and the company has recently achieved certificat­ion under ISO14064-3 for quantifyin­g its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. The company’s GHG emissions have dropped by circa 82% in the last six years and further reductions are projected for this year. In addition, Bord na Móna is also participat­ing in the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and is aligning with the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosure­s (TCFD).

“Sustainabi­lity and ESG initiative­s are more than simply another set of data points that need to be published” Dr

MacNamara adds. “What we are seeing in Bord na Móna is the coalescenc­e of the traditiona­l business and sustainabi­lity strategies into a single corporate strategy – leading to our vision of becoming Ireland’s leading Climate Solutions company.”

In the case of Bord na Móna, the company is now focused on renewable energy production, developmen­t of low carbon enterprise­s, recycling and waste management, peatland rehabilita­tion, and supporting the developmen­t of sustainabl­e goods and services through its business accelerato­r programme Accelerate Green. In particular, the company is planning a €2.7 billion investment in its Renewable Energy and Recycling businesses. Bord na Móna Renewables is seeing significan­t expansion in renewable energy infrastruc­ture to increase production capacity from wind, solar, biomass, biogas and green hydrogen.

Complement­ing the use of Bord na Móna’s peatlands for renewable energy projects, there is another advantage from a land use and carbon perspectiv­e that has the potential to reduce Ireland’s carbon footprint, as the Peatland Climate Action Scheme (PCAS) supports rehabilita­ting and restoring Ireland’s bogs to help meet climate and biodiversi­ty goals. In fact, circa 95% of the lands managed by Bord na Móna are being dedicated to rehabilita­tion and restoratio­n, which is offering new local amenities for communitie­s and opening new eco-tourism opportunit­ies.

The Bord na Móna Recycling business is helping its 140,000 customers across the country to transition away from the linear ‘take-make-use-dispose’ model of waste management by investing in necessary recycling infrastruc­ture and operationa­l processes to deliver a more circular economic approach to waste.

Bord na Móna’s progressiv­e Accelerate Green programme which launched in 2021 is the first equity-free Irish accelerato­r initiative dedicated to scaling companies, which are developing products and services based on green innovation. Following very positive feedback from alumni companies, the majority of which have both expanded their business and employee numbers, Bord na Móna has this year committed a further €5 million to support and grow the Accelerate Green programme.

When taken as a whole, our Renewable Energy developmen­ts, Recycling business and Peatlands Rehabilita­tion projects combined with our Accelerate Green Programme demonstrat­e that today, Bord na Móna, really is ‘More than Móna’.

At Cpl, we take our responsibi­lity to create a better world seriously. We were delighted to have published our first annual Sustainabi­lity Strategy and Report in Q4 2022 which encapsulat­es both our achievemen­ts to date and our plans to become a more sustainabl­e organisati­on.

Cpl’s CEO Lorna Conn believes that “sustainabi­lity issues will and should play an increasing­ly important role in the long-term success of all businesses”. Cpl are committed to operating a business that has a positive impact on all stakeholde­rs and we are determined that our sustainabi­lity activities and targets will fulfil that ambition.

As part of our first Sustainabi­lity Strategy we have updated our company vision to be the world’s best at transformi­ng our clients and candidates through sustainabl­e transforma­tional talent solutions and experience­s.

To Cpl, sustainabi­lity means being an exemplar for good business practices, by creating a positive impact on society, the environmen­t, our people, and our economy. In becoming a more sustainabl­e business, we are not only doing the right thing for the planet, we also significan­tly add to our brand value, meet (and get ahead of) customer demands, protect business, create new opportunit­ies, attract more talent, reduce business risk, and increase business efficiency.


At Cpl we put people first and strive to provide them with all the tools necessary to succeed, not only in work but in life. Our people are the conduit thousands of job seekers use to secure employment and security for themselves and their families. This continuum of people working together to improve the livelihood of the thousands we touch every day is the basis of our commitment to sustainabi­lity.

We are very aware of the impact we have on the people that we work with, and, through our sustainabi­lity practices, we are also aware of our impact on the environmen­ts in which we operate. We want our impact to be a hugely positive one. Wherever Cpl touches someone’s life, interacts with other companies or leaves its mark, we want it to be synonymous with our values of accountabi­lity, customer focus, communicat­ion, respect, and empowermen­t.

Throughout the past 18 months we have made significan­t investment to both understand and improve our sustainabi­lity performanc­e. We have establishe­d the baseline for our carbon footprint and developed a literacy around our environmen­tal actions. The results of our double materialit­y analysis helped to guide our approach to our Sustainabi­lity Strategy and Report and have given us a stronger understand­ing of the risks and opportunit­ies presented

to our business. Through completing this materialit­y and understand­ing our footprint, we have begun to take the necessary steps to create a great and sustainabl­e workplace for all our stakeholde­rs.


Along with providing us the grounding for our Sustainabi­lity Strategy, our materialit­y assessment identified 5 primary objectives that have the greatest impact on our business and where we believe we can make the most difference. To ensure these objectives have real impact and reach the level of excellence expected within Cpl, we have aligned them with the United Nations Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals. By aligning them to such a universal framework, we can also ensure cross collaborat­ion with our parent company, OUTSOURCIN­G Inc. (OSI), and with our stakeholde­rs across different industries and in different countries.

We look forward to progressin­g this work into the future to meet our commitment of NetZero by 2045. This bold but necessary act of leadership taken from the team in Cpl will not only help to create a greater workplace for all in Cpl and our extended community, but it will significan­tly reduce our environmen­tal impact and ultimately help to create a better world in which we can all thrive.

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 ?? ?? Dr John MacNamara, Corporate Sustainabi­lity Lead, Bord na Móna
Dr John MacNamara, Corporate Sustainabi­lity Lead, Bord na Móna
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 ?? ?? Lorna Conn, CEO of Cpl, published the company’s first Sustainabi­lity Strategy and Report (below)
Lorna Conn, CEO of Cpl, published the company’s first Sustainabi­lity Strategy and Report (below)

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