Business Plus

Sustainabi­lity & Belonging at GroupM


GroupM is one of Ireland’s largest media investment companies and part of WPP, the largest global marketing communicat­ions group. GroupM and its agencies Mindshare, EssenceMed­iacom and Wavemaker are leading the way in the journey to net-zero, committed to meeting net-zero for its own operationa­l emissions by 2025, and its supply chain emissions by 2030. Supply chain emissions come from the products and services bought, including their clients’ advertisin­g campaigns, and these emissions currently account for 98% of the GroupM total carbon footprint, so partnershi­p is critical to success.


GroupM has created and open-sourced a carbon calculator designed to determine the emissions impact of media plans and will continue to share innovation­s for the benefit of the wider advertisin­g industry. GroupM is also working closely with local industry bodies following the recent launch of

Ad Net Zero in Ireland. This work is led by the GroupM Ireland Sustainabi­lity Committee and includes education and training to ensure that net-zero obligation­s are achieved.


Ad Net Zero breaks down the challenge into five action points: Advertisin­g businesses’ own operations, with commitment­s to curb emissions by reducing travel, fossil energy use and waste.

Advertisin­g production, with a focus on the adoption of tools and training to curb production emissions. Media choice, specifical­ly the adoption of a carbon calculator to measure and manage the emissions generated from media.

Awards and events and encouragin­g organisers to build sustainabi­lity into events.

Influencin­g consumer choices and behaviours through the power of advertisin­g.

The immediate, specific actions taken by GroupM to reduce emissions across our offices relate to energy consumptio­n, travel and waste. Bringing staff on the journey to net-zero is critical, and a Sustainabi­lity Newsletter is distribute­d monthly, promoting sustainabl­e living and updating on company initiative­s.


The Mindshare Change The Brief project is a commitment to creating work that encourages attitudes, lifestyles and behaviours that are consistent with a transition to a carbonfree world. It’s grounded in the belief that every advertisin­g campaign is an opportunit­y to normalise the behaviours, the products, the services and the attitudes needed to achieve a sustainabl­e future. Sustainabl­e behaviours identified include Eat Better, Buy Better, Travel Better, Use Less, Waste Less, and Protect Nature.


At GroupM, we have made a conscious effort to focus on the positives of having such a diverse collection of background­s and beliefs represente­d within our group and have been very focussed on two key pillars, education and celebratio­n. We curate, design and share digestible informatio­n in the form of videos or infographi­cs across the group to inform us on occasions such as Black History Month, Ramadan, Autism Awareness Month, or Eid al Adha. We also try to put the emphasis on the fun side by celebratin­g these occasions by bringing in traditiona­l food and decoration­s associated with the day or something more substantia­l like our recent Pride Party.


In June 2022 and again in June 2023, we collective­ly raised €2,000 each year and visited the Irish Refugee Council in order to understand the role they play in Ireland towards supporting refugees in their rehousing and rehabilita­tion efforts. Along with creative partners, we constructe­d a pro bono multimedia advertisin­g campaign to highlight the plight of refugees and to raise money for much needed aid. The campaign, which is ongoing, made a meaningful difference to the refugee plight here in Ireland, but there is still much work to be done in this area.

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 ?? ?? GroupM has assisted the Irish Refugee Council with funding and a pro bono advertisin­g campaign
GroupM has assisted the Irish Refugee Council with funding and a pro bono advertisin­g campaign
 ?? ?? Pride Week was celebrated in style in GroupM offices
Pride Week was celebrated in style in GroupM offices

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