Business Plus

VIRGIN MEDIA BUSINESS Supporting SMEs on their digital journeys


Connectivi­ty and digitalisa­tion are crucial for SMEs to succeed. Small firms also recognise the benefit of digital learning platforms in enhancing employee education and training. Dagmara Nowak, Pre-Sales Manager for Virgin Media Business, delves into the changing SME landscape. Dagmara, how easy is it to get good connectivi­ty in Ireland?

Virgin Media Business Broadband has long been available in certain areas of the country, but as we expand and migrate our network to next-generation technology and leverage off some wholesale partners for even further reach, it’s becoming easier than ever to get reliable highqualit­y connectivi­ty.

Why is this connectivi­ty so important?

In this always-connected world people often reach out for on-demand, online services first. Being able to offer potential customers informatio­n about your goods and services at the click of a mouse or a swipe of a finger is key. Connected services are without geographic­al borders, and SMEs can think larger, be bolder and more creative than ever before.

Where does Virgin Media Business sit in this process from the service provider point of view?

Connectivi­ty enables digital transforma­tion. Many companies have undergone that journey already, while others are still in the process. Virgin Media Business is the enabler, with the best-in-class product, to make this journey as seamless as possible.

It’s often said that good customer experience comes from a well enabled workforce. How does connectivi­ty play a part in that?

On-demand, cloud-based learning platforms and services, as well as security and storage solutions, are examples of how we can provide the tools employees need to perform and thrive. Not that long ago, those solutions were costly, hardware-heavy and requiring high-end skills. They are now available nearly at the click of a button. The main tool you need to make it all happen is a Broadband connection or a DIA (Dedicated Internet Access).

In your experience, what sector has seen the most amount of change in this space?

The accelerati­on in digitalisa­tion has been a great driver towards new ideas, new projects, and new opportunit­ies

across the board. The sector that unquestion­ably benefited the most is the Education sector. What we can achieve with the E-learning platforms we have now is endless. The opportunit­ies to learn and explore, upskill and build with what are just small building blocks is fascinatin­g.

We can do it now from the comfort of our broadbandp­owered home and fit it in around our busy lives. Kids in remote areas can learn foreign languages thanks to online tutors and access to WiFi. People with disabiliti­es can complete Masters degrees through online university courses without having to leave home. Businesses can train remote teams all at the same time without getting anyone on a plane. You can have a conference and invite speakers from around the world.

Informatio­n is power, and to grow, share and nurture that power, all you need is the right connectivi­ty.

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Dagmara Nowak, Virgin Media Business: ‘Informatio­n is power’

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