Business Plus

Let’s Talk Business

LEO Dublin City is paving the way with a suite of Supports to help small businesses get ahead


Small businesses are facing so many challenges in the current environmen­t, the Local Enterprise Office is here to help you at any stage of that journey.

The Local Enterprise Offices are a national network of 31 offices providing a range of low-cost training and supports to small business nationwide. Whether you are just starting out or looking to take the next steps in your business, the Local Enterprise Office is there for you.

The Local Enterprise Office Dublin City is the first stop shop for businesses in Dublin 1–13, 17, and 20, supporting clients across multiple sectors from tech to agricultur­e and food to profession­al services.

The programmes below are a snapshot of some of the supports available to help you find efficienci­es, reduce your costs, and help you compete more effectivel­y.


The LEO mentoring programme provides your business with access to our experience­d panel of mentors from a wide range of discipline­s. The programme matches the knowledge, skills, insights and entreprene­urial capability of experience­d business practition­ers with small business owners and managers who need practical and strategic one-to-one advice and guidance. The mentor contribute­s independen­t, informed observatio­n and advice and provides a much-needed sounding board.


Lean for Business is designed to helps businesses improve their day-to-day processes by providing support to implement lean principles and business practices. Businesses that have participat­ed and engaged in the process report substantia­l productivi­ty increases as well as sizeable cost savings.


Being a sustainabl­e business is crucial to maintain your competitiv­e edge. Green for Business is a free programme that helps small businesses take the first step towards becoming more sustainabl­e.

LEO Dublin City can assign a green consultant to work with you to develop a sustainabl­e strategy, help with energy efficiency and reducing carbon footprint, and Green procuremen­t. Green for Business is flexible, you get to decide how to take those first steps to help your business become more resilient.

The Energy Efficiency Grant supports investment in technologi­es and equipment of enterprise­s. You must have completed Green for Business to be eligible to apply for the grant.


Digital for Business supports you to embrace technology and future-proof your business by helping you to create a digital strategy. We assign an expert digital consultant to guide the developmen­t of a digital adaptation plan based on your identified need and assist you to implementa­tion.


Selected businesses that have developed strong revenue growth in the Irish market can gain access to consultanc­y support to explore export markets. If you want to fast track your efforts and explore, target and exploit new business opportunit­ies outside of Ireland, we can provide support to select a market and develop an export market entry plan to help grow your internatio­nal ambition.

So whether you are challenged by the current trading environmen­t, planning to sustain and grow your business, or seeking new national or overseas markets, Local Enterprise Office Dublin City can assist you. For further informatio­n on any of our programmes and for our contact details, visit localenter­

 ?? ?? With LEO Dublin City support, small businesses can make big changes to the way they work
With LEO Dublin City support, small businesses can make big changes to the way they work

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