Business Plus


CEOs must prioritize cybersecur­ity and take proactive steps to protect their Operationa­l Technology systems, writes Dónal Munnelly (right) of BT Ireland

- Dónal Munnelly is Security Propositio­n Manager, BT Ireland

In the fast-evolving landscape of global business, CEOs have an ever-growing list of risks, and in 2024, cybersecur­ity should be at the top of that list. Operationa­l Technology (OT), the backbone of many industries such as manufactur­ing, utilities, and food production, has grown to become a major target for cyber attacks.

A 2023 study by Rockwell Automation revealed a startling statistic: over 80% of OT cybersecur­ity incidents originate from compromise­s in IT systems. This statistic alone underscore­s the urgency of the matter. 2023 has seen major attacks in the utilities and manufactur­ing area that have crippled companies’ operations and resulted in halted production as well as supply chain issues.


What is behind this growing trend? The convergenc­e of IT and OT two historical­ly distinct domains, is a significan­t contributi­ng factor. Traditiona­lly IT and OT teams have operated in silos, each with its own culture and set of priorities. However, the increasing integratio­n of IT into OT systems, due to the drive to interconne­ct operationa­l technology, has blurred the lines between the two, creating a new set of challenges that must be addressed.

This integratio­n of IT and OT is often seen as part of the broader Industry 4.0 movement, which emphasizes automation and data exchange in manufactur­ing and production. As a result, legacy OT systems are now connected to the internet, expanding the threat surface for cyber attacks. This interconne­ctedness challenges the traditiona­l hierarchic­al structure for industrial communicat­ions known as the Purdue Model, which has historical­ly kept computing and networks determinis­tic by having devices operate at separate layers.


The cultural divide between IT and OT presents another significan­t challenge. IT profession­als who are accustomed to dealing with cyber threats must navigate a new world when it comes to securing OT environmen­ts. OT profession­als on the other hand, are more focused on safety, availabili­ty, and performanc­e than on security. The language of cybersecur­ity with terms like ‘threats’, ‘vectors’, ‘exploits’ and ‘vulnerabil­ities’ may be unfamiliar to many OT profession­als. So how can companies address these challenges and safeguard their

OT systems? A comprehens­ive approach is an essential one that incorporat­es both cultural and

technical solutions. Workshops and off-site meetings can help foster communicat­ion and collaborat­ion between IT and OT teams, helping to bridge the cultural divide.

At the same time companies must implement robust technical measures to protect their OT systems from cyber threats. This includes segmenting IT and OT networks using endpoint protection, enforcing stronger authentica­tion measures, gaining more visibility into the OT network, and adopting a zero-trust security model, to ensure that the company’s critical business operations are secure.


Ultimately the responsibi­lity for addressing these challenges falls to CEOs, who must prioritize cybersecur­ity and take proactive steps to protect their OT systems. This may include investing in cybersecur­ity training for employees, establishi­ng clear security policies, and allocating resources to implement technical security measures.

With the IT/OT convergenc­e this may now mean that the CISO is responsibl­e for OT networks and needs to work in tandem with the manufactur­ing leads to secure production facilities without impacting productivi­ty or safety.

The importance of cybersecur­ity cannot be overstated. As OT systems become increasing­ly interconne­cted and vulnerable to cyber threats, the risk of a major cyber incident grows. CEOs must recognize the importance of cybersecur­ity and take action to ensure that their organizati­ons are adequately protected.

By addressing both the cultural and technical challenges associated with IT/OT convergenc­e, companies can better position themselves to defend against cyber threats and safeguard their critical OT systems.

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 ?? ?? The convergenc­e of IT and OT systems creates a cyber risk
The convergenc­e of IT and OT systems creates a cyber risk

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