Drogheda Independent

Bartle Connolly was great Nationalis­t


WIDESPREAD regret was occasioned over a very large area of Meath and Louth by the death, which occurred following a brief illness on Sunday morning last, of Mr. Bartle Connolly, grocer and licensed vintner, of Duleek, Co. Meath.

The deceased gentleman, who was very widely known and very highly esteemed by all who knew him, became ill some three weeks ago, and gradually becoming weaker despite careful medical and nursing attention, passed away early on Sunday morning, having received the consolatio­ns of the last rites pi Mother Church, to the deep regret of his relatives and many friends.

A son of the late Alderman Thomas Connolly, of Shop Street, Drogheda, i,he deceased gentleman was a member of a very old and highly respected Drogheda family, members of which had taken a prominent part in the municipal and commercial affairs of the town for more than one generation.

He was aged 65, and in his early days carried on a successful business as a building contractor and funeral undertaker, having premises in John Street. He retired from this business about 25 years ago and started a grocery and licensed vintner’s business in Duleek, which he carried on most successful­ly until his death. His wife, to whom he was deeply attached, died less than two years ago.

The late Mr. Connolly was all his life a prominent Nationalis­t of the older school, being connected with the Land League struggle, and subsequent­ly a warm supporter of the old Irish Parliament­ary Party. Although living in Duleek he took a keen and lively interest in the municipal and commercial life of his native town, and was always found associated with any movement having for its object the betterment of Drogheda. His genial and kindly dispositio­n earned for him the esteem and respect of all creeds and classes, and his charitable character won him many friends amongst the poorer classes, by whom his loss will be greatly felt.

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