Drogheda Independent

St Joseph’s Secondary School design wonderful Christmas cards for charity

Richard’s new book


THE lads in the Joey’s have come up with a Christmas gem this year.

They have designed and printed a selection of seasonal cards, retailing at €5.

The oncology unit in the Lourdes Hospital, SVP Drogheda, Drogheda Women’s and Children’s Refuge Centre and Drogheda Homeless Aid will all benefit from the sales.

They have been out and about selling their product around Drogheda so keep your eyes open for them.

The original artwork has come from Eoin Hackett in TY, Robert McDonnell in 6th year, Emmet Judge in 3rd year, Lorand Peter, LCA, Hugh McClean, 5th Year, Eoin Murphy, 3rd Year, Frank McClean, 5th year and Joseph Gardiner,. 3rd year.

Richard Gerrard presents his latest book ‘Industries and places of employment of old and not so old Drogheda’ on Wednesday December 12th at 7pm in the Augustinia­n Church.

The launch will be a great night and patrons who have pre-booked their copies can collect on the night. The book can also be purchased on the night.

The book will also be on sale in Waterstone­s, Scotch Hall, Opening Minds in the Laurence Centre, Mahers Chemist, West St, McCabes Shop, Duleek St, Jojos in the Southgate Centre, Riverside Home and Craft, Mornington or from Richard at 0879763689.

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